Chapter 1

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How hard is it to get in and out of an old abandoned warehouse. Abandoned Hydra warehouse.

Shouldn't be that hard right? Wrong cause the damn warehouse isn't fucking abandoned.

Fuck you Harls

I cursed that idiot in my head for not checking properly. And I cursed my self for not double checking.

Wait,confused? My name is Rose Winter 17 years old ,5'7 ,black hair, blue eyes, pale skin. Ohh and let's note forget I'm trained assassin and ex lab rat for Hydra. You will know the rest later.

You might be asking why are you trying to sneak in Hydra base? All you need to know is that I need some files.

Back to the story.

The warehouse is old and on the sketchy side of New York . It was suppose to be ABANDONED, but apparently it ain't cause I am in the building and I fucking hear some people talking.

Not any people but Hydra agents. I recognised them from their uniforms. I hide quickly behind some boxes. Two guy's entered the room,well the lab.

"I am telling you something is happening around us, ever since he came back everyone is on edge, probably from the shock, even I am he reappeared from nowhere. But something about him is different man ,he looks more sinsiter than before,even more crazier if that's possible " one of the guys said.

"Well I don't know man ,I never really met him, i came after the accident, but you are right, something about him just makes me want to turn around ,run to my room and lock the door. We should be careful, and be cautious of our surroundings. "The other guy replied.

I sneak behind them held his head and snapped it dropping him dead on the floor.

"I agree with you, you should be cautious of your surroundings "I said bored

The the other guy took his gun out, and pointed at me. I quickly disarmed him and slit his throat making him drop on the ground.

I stepped away from the bodies and went to the huge screen, turned it on, and put the fash-drive in it. Which here comes Harley's part, he would be hacking through Hydra's old and new computer files, not necessarily on that computer.

It's something complicated to explain. Let's just say with that we will be able to know what Hydra been up to lately. The fash-drive have little light on it ,now it's connected meaning Harley is connected and doing his thing.

When it turns red it means he finished. Which would take him at least 5 minutes or so. I decided to search the boxes around to see if I can find something in these files.

But don't worry, I won't keep my hops up seeing if they're important they wouldn't have left them.

I was still in the first file when 5 Hydra agents entered the room.

Well I was getting bored anyways.

"What's taking you guys so lon-" one of the guys that entered stopped talking after seeing their friends bodies on the floor.

Then his eye's snapped up looking around with his hands around the rifle. Until his eyes catch me, well I don't think he saw me yet I was standing in the dark.

"Step out in the light and put your hands up. Now" he demand and now the others are also aiming their rifles and guns at me.

I did as he told me to.

"Who are ? What do you want? And take the hood and mask off before we shoot you" he threatened.

I saw him few times back when I was locked up. But I doubt he recognised me ,seeing I have a hood and mask on. That and I became healthier and stronger and my hair became longer now.

Anyways, I dropped the hood and took my mask off. He and 2 others paled when they saw my face. I think the other one's are new or something. But their faces also paled and mine had smirk on it when he said " E-elemental"

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