Chapter 14

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We ended up taking mercedes benz g class g 350. Harley was driving, Loki in the passenger seat huffing, cause he doesn't know how to drive.

And i was in the backseat stretching.

"can we go to Starbucks drive thru and get strawberry milkshake and then stop at dunkin donuts and get donuts pleaseeee" i said doing puppy eyes

"you guys can get coffee, plus i am still without breakfast and already used my magic multiple times and it's still 10 39 am" i said dramatically

Harley just huffed and swerved to the closest Starbucks. Loki looked annoyed but didn't say anything.

We ordered our drinks , then went to dunkin and got our donuts. I munched happily on my donut. While Loki was sipping on his dark coffee looking in disgust at the donuts.

"don't eat more than two, i am not dealing with you if you go all suger rush ass right now, i got you both the strawberry milkshake and the donuts cause you drained your energy" he said in serious tone which I just stick my tongue at.

"you aren't trained" Loki said realizing.

"no shit Sherlock" i said sipping from my drink.

"but you can shape the water to a dagger and freeze it? And you can teleport and other things?" he asked me and asked himself frowning.

I tensed and looked at Harley our eyes met in the mirror

"you can trust him Ro, he didn't try anything, and you said it you felt a pull towards him, and if you don't he will figure out" Harley said well more like thought, i read his mind.

I sighed

He is right

"i can also read minds, but i had to focus really hard to teleport or read minds, i don't know what else i can do, i only trained a bit alone with water element" i said rubbing the back of my head "let's say it didn't went well so i never trained with other elements"

"didn't end well?" Harley snorted

"you fucking froze the whole house and had severe fever and didn't wake up for four fucking long days" he said tense at the end

"Yeahhhh ,sorry about that , but it's not like they gave me a catalogue on how to control them when they experimented on me" I said snapping at the end

"then you shouldn't have even tried, or should have at least tried slowly not force it" he said snapping

"i thought i lost you when i saw you between all that ice, you were so pale" he said softer at the end and more tense.

"he is right Rose, you could have died you are lucky that you are alive right now, magic isn't something to mess with and is extremely dangerous" Loki said firmly.

The car sat silent for few minutes

"then train me" i said breaking the

"what?" he asked a bit shocked.

"train me, you know alot about magic seeing you are a god and the only
one i can actually trust in things like that" i said more confident this time.

He thought about it for a minute or two.

"okay, but our magic is different seeing that mine is asgardian and yours came from experiment" he said tensing at the experiment word

"Thank you Lokiii" i said happily "and our magic is more alike than you think, anyways i am going to take a nap wake me up if we arrive or someone is dead" chuckling and laying down on the car seats, Loki seemed confused but didn't comment.

What? I am tired i didn't sleep much and i used alot my energy and its still morning


After a while, she fell asleep, leaving with my thoughts of everything that happened since i met her till now.

It's like trying to solve a puzzle with having multiple pieces lost. Multiple

"just ask" the kid beside me said "i have no powers but i can hear the wheels tuenin your head, ask and i will try my best to answer"

I hesitate at first but " what is the number thing back in the elevator?" i
decided to go slow

"that's a track number from 1 to 10 every number mean something 10
mass muder, 9 dead or in critical situation in hospital, 8 burise and
blood, 7 threats, 6 frustrated, 5 annoyed, 4bored, 3fine, 2good, 1 can't be happier. It's a technique we use since we met seeing we both had trust issues, and it was hard for her to open up, so she just say the number on what her mood is at the moment "he said.

" and how did you guys meet? "i asked nonchalantly, or tried to as much as i can.

It's probably she intrigue me..... Nope not even that it's just that this releam is boring

" we met 3 years ago, as she said she ran away before turning 14 aka 13 and 7 months, we met later she was 14 and one month, she won't tell me were she was in the 6 months, anyways, i found her in an alley behind pinned to the wall and surround by multiple men "he said tensing at the memory, and i tensed too at the thought of that, i had to look back to be reassured that she is okay.

"8 men, 8 huge buff drunk men, i don't know why i thought that i could beat them, probably the weed"he said chuckling

"no, i knew that i couldn't take them, but i couldn't just leave her, she was smaller and much thinner than that, i couldn't leave her, i wouldn't have forgave myself if i just left" his hand on the wheel tighten

"and surprise, surprise i got beaten up while trying to be the hero, then suddenly the beating stopped and she stood there bloody while the men on the floor dead, and she asked me why i helped her i told her i couldn't leave her, she said i am stupid and could have died, we continued talking back and forth and somehow i ended making her agree on staying at my place "he said

"your parents didn't say anything about getting a bloody person back with you to your house? I don't know about Midgard but in Asgard people frown on matters like that" i said

"i got kicked out at 13, i live alone, well used to, i live with Ro since that night" he said chuckling

"..... what a shame?....." i said confused on what to say, he laughed at that.

"the more i talk to you, the more i see how you and Ro are alike, she also didn't know what say or how to deal with emotions" he said still chuckling

"so are you guys a thing?" i said almost immediately regretting asking.

The car swerved a bit, and Harleys eyes snapped to the mirror sighing when he saw road still asleep.

His head snapped to mine and said "ewww, what the fuck? Why everyone think that Ro is like a little sis to me, we are just comfortable with each other to much, plus i don't swing to that team" he said winking at me at the end.

My eyes widen and i looked out of the window. Few seconds later, a loud laugh came from behind us, startling Harley making him swerve again.

"geez Ro you gave me a fucking heart attack, i could've crushed and killed us" Harley snapped while I was still holding on the cars door and the seat belt for dear life.

"i.... Am... S-ssorry....." she said between laughs "i can't believe that you hit on the god of mischief like that didn't i teach you anything about flirting "she said teasing then bursting out laughing.

Harley turned red and i felt slight blush creeping on my face i coughed a little and opened the window.

"i-i wasn't and you know that i like someone else, and how long have you been listening you little brat?" he said changing the subject.

"since you first swerved you suck at driving, i will drive while we are going back, it's a miracle that you didn't kill us with ur driving" she said jokingly

"why you little shit, we will arrive in 5 minutes" Harley said, and true to his words we stopped few meters away this abounded farm thing hiding behind the trees.

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