Chapter 54

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We went in multiple cars Harley and Peter. Wanda, Pietro , and Natasha. Me and Loki.

Thankfully since it's New York most of the shops stay open 24 hours so we went straight to the mall. I gave the boys on of my credit cards and left with girls to find some dresses for the party tomorrow.

After trying multiple dresses and getting multiple ones cause 'you would never know when you would need one' as Natasha said.

I payed and left to meet the boys at the food section.

"Fucking finally " Harley muttered

"What took you guys so long?" Loki grumbled

"We finished shopping like an hour or two ago" Peter groaned

"Talk about yourselves I finished roaming the whole thing in 10 minutes but took 30 cause the workers are slow" Pietro rolled his eye's

"Sorry guys" Wanda said sheepishly

"We couldn't resist not going in Victoria Secret " Natasha informed sitting the multiple bags on the floor while the guys eyed them in disgust, except Loki.

"Anyways food? All this putting on and off the dresses is actually an exercise "I explained

"Yeah we will go get food taco Bell or Mcdonald?" Harley said standing with Peter.

"Taco bell" we all said

"Hey Nat here, get hella beer.....we are gonna need it after the week ends" I said handing Natasha the credit card.

"On it" she smirked taking it and leaving.

Wanda and Pietro started talking alone.

"Did you find anything you like?" Loki asked

"Yeah......but it I'll fix and add few things to them tho" I replied

"Are you gonna model for me the underwear you got kitten?" Loki whispered in my ear.

"Maybe .......maybe not" I teased

Definitely not

Yeah surprising him with each one at the time is better

"So what did you get?" I asked him

"Hoodies ...... I didn't find any good tux" Loki complained

"I will make you one when we get back......and you have alot of hoodies ....why do you need more?" I asked frowning

"Thanks darling you don't have to.....and yeah I HAD alot of hoodies but lately they kept disappearing at alarming rate" he said narrowing his eye's at me.

"Spooky" I said looking away

"Yeah said the one who steals them" Loki chuckled

"Did you know that there's actual science why girl BORROW hoodies?" I started

"-steal-" Loki corrected

"A what now?" Peter asked sitting down along with Harley

"Yeah sure sure Ro" Harley snorted

"This is interesting " Pietro said

"Shh let the girl talk" Wanda nudged him

"I am not kidding there's actual science " I said defensively

"Enlighten us dear " Loki said entertained with the whole thing

"It's been proven that wearing your man's hoodie releases serotonin and endorphins " I stated

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