Chapter 49

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We left the elevator and sat on the couch cuddling and talking nonsense till Clint called for a back up.

Loki refused at first, but after a small argument of how he should go and that I will be okay and shit , he finally agreed but I am not allowed to walk , that was his only condition.

It's annoying, but I agreed so he would go, but first I asked him to drop me at my room so I could work on my desk for the college.

He nodded and took me there and sat me down. He went to leave after asking me if I need anything and I assured him that I don't.

He sighed and was about to turn around, but I pulled him down and smashed our lips together.

After few minutes we pulled apart.

"Till forever falls apart?" I asked him softly

We really have weird way in saying be safe

Our mother used to tap our head before leaving and say till next time.....OF COURSE WE WILL HAVE WEIRD WAY IN SAYING SHIT

gzzz relax...... I was just pinning out

"Till forever falls apart darling " he said softly kissing my forehead and then leaving.

Now that the cringy shit is done we have some assignments and work to do

I hate you

I am you

Yeah I know ...... I hate myself


I groaned and started working and going through the lectures I missed , I have recorded all my classes by hiding a camera there so I won't miss anything.

After finding our I should do I started working and flying the things I need to use towards me. It's really easy and doesn't need any concentration after holding a building up.

Hours passed by and a knock came OK the door before it burst open.

"Hello bitch ,are you dead yet?" Harley asked walking in and jumping on my bed

"Harley!" Peter scolded walking in and closing the door.

"Is that in and out?" I asked Peter excited when I saw the food bags he held in his hands.

"Yup.... here " he said walking towards me handing a bag for me.

I didn't need to think twice before I dug in.

"So how was school without me ?" I asked them while they also opened there's and started eating.

"Amazing. I didn't have to deal with your insufferable annoying ass" Harley joked .

I just flipped him off.

"I missed you Roro ..... you know multiple people came up to us asking if you are an avenger now" Peter blurted.

"What?" I asked lowering my food down.

"Did you seriously not see your phone it's everywhere" Harley said unamused.

"My phone had crashed yesterday " I cheekly rubbing my neck

"No wonder you didn't receive any of our texts " Harley mumbled sighing

"People where filming yesterday while you where holding the building up. It's all over the news" Peter informed while eating.

"Well I don't know ...... but I don't think so " I shrugged and continued eating.

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