Chapter 9

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We ended up at warehouse we live in at 2 27am. We love long night drive so i took the long way back. And on the way we went into Mac drive thro.

I look at Harley and found him asleep. It was long day he must be tired.

Ohh to be able to sleep like that

I sighed, and left the car and opened his door. "potato..... Harls....Harley" i said at the end a bit louder while shaking him.

"hmm?" he said while opening his eyes a bit and then closing them back yawning.

He stood up from the car but stumbles a bit seeing that he is half asleep.

"careful you idiot" i scolded him lightly, and put my hand under his shoulder, and drgged him to our room and put him on his bed and took off his shoes, then I covered him up with blanket.

"thanks Ro" he mumbled.

I smiled a bit, not that he can see, "it's nothing Harls, night"

I turned around and saw it 3 03 am and decided to train a bit. I changed to my workout clothes and went to the mini gym i set up.

I started doing cardio for an hour, then treadmill for another hour, and ended it by punching the bag for 30 minutes straight.

I saw 5 36 and i decided to stop. I went and took a shower, and layed on my bed.

I looked at Harely and saw that he is still asleep, with that i relaxed a bit and hugged my human size teddy bear and fell asleep.

In the morning

I woke up and it was 10 13 am, i stretched a bit on the bed, put on one of Harleys hoodies and shorts.

Yes, i sleep in my underwear

And i then start walking, more like dragging my feet on the floor, to the living room, and sat on the couch.

"Morning" Harley said entering the room few minutes later.

He say beside me and gave me my plate which was full of bacon. I kissed his cheek in acknowledgement and thanking manner.

After we finished our food, and washed them we sat back on the couch. And then sat down drinking red bull.

"sooo when did you sleep?" he asked.

Shit shit shit shi-

"before 6 am of course" i said innocently

"ohh really?! How much before?" he said cheerful at first, but narrowed his eyes knowingly at the end.

It's a trick question, It's a trick question, It's a trick question, it's a tri-

"5 minutes" i smiled sheepishly, "please don't lecture me you know i can't sleep"

He sighed "okay, but you know if you need anything you can tell me Ro, i will help you no matter what"

"yeah, yeah don't worry, ohh and that was cringy" i said sticking my tongue at the end, only to end with a pillow in my face.

He laughed at me "ohh you are on, bitch". We ran aroumd hitting each other with pillows. Then we sat back down and started discussing what happened yesterday.

"you know that they will notice something off when they re-watch what happened yesterday" Harley said seriously.

I shrugged, finishing my red bull" to be honest i was shocked that none of them asked about the temperature dropping.... Ehh whatever they can't do shit"

"sooooo Loki?" Harley asked, with a bit of smug.

"you know i am forward with my feelings, i won't deny it there's something about him that pulls me, but let's be realistic i don't even know him nor does he, so i don't know, we will see what happens later" i said

"i am proud of you for not shutting your feelings again, you deserve happiness, and i will be there for you no matter what happens weirdo" he said sincerely

"what about you and Peter?" i smirked when i saw him blushing.

"there's no-" he stopped seeing my pointed look "okay, okay, i also
don't know, i understand what you mean about the pull with Loki i felt the same with Peter, wh-when you came and i saw him bloody in your
arms, i-i felt worried, jealous, and panicked, but when i talked to him, Ro, you can't believe he is so smart, kind hearted, innocent,brave, sens-" he
stopped and blushed like a tomato.

"no continue please, i quite like the simping face that you were wearing "i said amusement is laced in my voice.

"shut up, you bitch at least i know a bit about him before simping on him "he said mockingly

I gasped" take it back potato"

"or what? "he said playfully

And that's how pillow fight 2.0 started. He layed on the floor catching our breath" but seriously i am happy for you Harls, you deserve absolute the best"

He smiled and hugged me, i hugged back for a bit and said" okay that's enough take your stinky ass hands of me"

He laughed letting me go. We then cuddled a bit watching some tiktoks on his phone, then i noticed its 2 17pm.
I hit him with the pillow and stood up.

" heyyy what was that for " he said rubbing his nose

"get your lazy ass up, i am going to cook lunch, you go through the flash drive and see if there's anything important" i said

"Of course miss, anything else?" he said sarcastically and bowing his head

"yeah lose the attitude" i said smiling and going to the kitchen.

Iended up cooking steak, and now i am just waiting for it to be fully cooked,so i decided to check on Harley while waiting.

"ayo, idiota di-" i stopped seeing his face "what's wrong?"

"Ro they ar-" he was cut by the by sensors i put outside going on, alerting me that there's people around.

I quickly opened the cameras to see multiple people outside with gun and rifles, not any people, but Hydra.

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