Chapter 13

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Later on in the morning (at 9 am to be exact)

I heard the door being slammed open, i quickly grabbed Harley and pushed him and myself behind the bed while creating an ice knife and throwing it to the door direction.

I took a look from behind the bed to find Bucky standing on the door with the ice knife in his hand examing it.

"good to see that you still have your reflexes" he said "and good morning,
the breakfast is ready"And then he left the room.

I just wanna tie him up and cut him open.

"well that was interesting" Harley said from beside on the floor.

I glared at him and he stood up with hands up surrendering and walking toward the door.

"i am going to get ready so should you, i will wait for you outside" I sighed after he left, i sat on the floor for few minutes before getting up, and going through the clothes Stark has sent me.

What the fuck are these???!

There's pink, orange ,yellow and other bright color tops and pants.

Just looking at them makes my eyes hurt.

Just looking at them makes my eyes hurt

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I ended up wearing this ^^

I looked at the bathroom mirror and saw makeup i put mascara and eyeliner.


I left the room and saw Harley standing by the door. "Took you lon-woah" he said

"what?" i snapped.

It's too early for this shit

"i just never saw you wear something not completely black or don't have a bit black in it" he said now walking towards the kitchen.

"just shut up" i said.

We walked in the kitchen tony and Steve were fighting, Bucky and Nat were standing next to the bar sipping coffee i think. And Thor was eating pop tarts while Loki was looking at him in distaste.

"glade to see that you decided to honur us with your presence, Primrose, you too potato kid" Tony said sarcastically when he saw me and Harley.

I glared at him and said "Primrose?"

"yeah type of flowers, what you prefer if i call you princess" i just glared harder.

"why didn't you knock on the door?" i said facing bucky.

"you see Friday told us that Harley isn't in his room and that you deactivate him from your room, we thought you maybe run away, and Stark send me to check cause i am the most one your familiar with, only to find you guys cuddling in the bed" i nodded, and Steve turned red, Thor clueless, Loki glaring, Nat and Tony didn't give a reaction.

"don't do that again or it will be worse than a knife" i said glaring at him.

"where's Peter?" Harley asked after looking around trying to find Peter.

"he is at school, shouldn't you als-" Steve stopped mid sentence when he saw me tense up.

I suddenly heard some rumble from the vents. I didn't think twice befire throwing two ice knives to air vents, then i heard whoever up there scream and the fall from the vents i quickly made another ice dagger, and about to kill whoever fell.

"STOP, STop, it's me Clint, a friend, and avenger stop" he said protecting his head.

I backed away "for fucks, sake why are you even in the vents?" i said frustrated and pull on my hair.

"uhhh, cause i can" he said in duhh voice.

Harley clapped his hands on both of my shoulder "sooo, Ro and i are going to get our things back from the warehouse, and i am sorry about Rose and the whole thing" he said motioning with hand at Clint and the vents.

"i am not" i said

"you aren't helping" he muttered

"she isn't really a morning person" he said at the end

"no shit" Natasha said sipping on her coffee.

"okay sooo byee" Harley said dragging me to the elevator.

"not so fast kids" Tony said making Harley curse under his breath.

"yeah?"Harley said innocently while turning to face tony.

I just leaned back on the wall near the elevator and closed my eyes.

"take one of my cars, don't crash it, metal arm told me about you stealing cars, and take Loki with you" Tony said take a bite of his sausage.

"WHAT?" Me, Harley and Loki said at the same time.

Loki stood up and came near us and was facing Tony now.

"When i agreed to be an avenger it didn't say that i have to babysit little brats" Loki snarled at Tony and glanced at me and Harley.

"look Tony i don't need a fucking babysitter i know how to protect
myself and Harley, so no thanks" i said now standing straight and my voice is cold.

"i would have sent Bucky, but there's tension between you guys, and i
don't think you would even reach your destination, and you seem to like reindeer games the most between us all" he said sipping on his coffee now.

"yeah bu-" i said but he cut me off.

"i am not sending you without a backup, it's with rock of ages or not going at all, and reindeer games i will get you 50 books of your choice" tony finished.

I started to protest and even summoned a dagger, but Loki stopped me and said "fine, you better hold on your promise" and walked into the elevator.

"okay then, i will explain everything when i am back, everyone better be here even Peter, and call dr strange too" i said, multiple questions were thrown at that comment.

I just sighed and went to the elevator, but throwed the dagger near Tony's head before the elevator close, hearing a shriek in response, making me satisfied.

"you are gonna give the old man heart attack" Harley said chuckling "number?"

"5" i said, turning so i wad facing Loki who looked confused "you don't have to come with us, we ca-"

"nonsense, i am coming with you, don't tell the tincan but i agree with him it's foolish move to go back there after you got attack, plus i get to have books" he said shrugging at the end.

The elevator stopped and we were in the garage.

"i sometimes forget that he is filthy rich" Harley said stared and the multiple cars, i just nodded speechless.

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