Chapter 33

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I groaned and opened my eyes to see that i am in Loki's room. After our kiss last night, we continued the movie, and joked around, and talked a bit before i passed out i think at 5 am.

That bitch left me without cuddles

I stepped out of the bed, amd looked down and saw that i am not wearing my leggings anymore.

Ohh well

I walked closed eyed from the room till the kitchen door.

When i arrived at the kitchen it became silent but i don't care and rubbed my eye with sleeve of the sweater, and yawned.

I looked around ignoring everyone's gaze, and found Loki. I dragged myself still half sleepy over him, and tugged his chair a bit back, and climbed over his lap straddling him

I put my hands around his neck and put my head in his neck.

"you left me" i mumbled against his neck, making him shiver.

"i apologize darling, but you ain't really a morning person so i was going to wake you up after they leave. That and you only slept 4 hours" he pointed out, i just hummed and fell asleep.

After a while i felt the chatter get back slowly, and i felt their glances at me every now and then, but i ignored it.

Someone tapped on my shoulder making me groan and shuffle my head more into Loki's neck.

"what?" i snapped after they continued poking me for a while.

"you need to answer Jenna " Harley said shoving the phone on my hand i groaned.

"yes?" i grumbled.

"good morning to you too Mrs Winter" Jenna replied.

"sorry, good morning Jenna .... But you know not to call in the morning" i stated rubbing my eyes and yawning.

"sorry Mrs Winter, but i tried to reach you yesterday for important files, but you didn't reply, so i had to call Mr Keener" she explained.

"fine .... give me a second to wake up and i will be with you" i said jumping off Loki's lap, and stretched my back till it cracked and then walked towards the fridge taking out a red bull.

"Okay I am more awake now . So tell me what are the important files ?" I asked sipping on my red bull

"we are almost done with our designs for the fashion show, you just have to confirm which article of clothes will enter the runway and which won't, and you have to go through which venue we are gonna have the fashion show in, and you have to sign few files now" she explained.

"fuck that's alot"i mumbled

"thank you Jenna, i will see the files now and i will pass by sometime during the weekend for everything, anything else? "i asked making a portal like i have been training to after Stephen told me how he do his portals.

It started glowing black and opened to my office in the company. I walked towards my desk and saw some files on it.

"No Mrs Winter "she said.

"okay then, Thanks Jenna "i said and hang up.

I flipped through the files talimg a quick look, and took another file that i think will help me, and looked up.

I saw Harley, Loki, Bucky, and Natasha already inside my office whkle the others are still looking from the tower shocked.

"what?" i asked organizing my files.

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