Chapter 30

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I woke up clutching my head and groaning, i look at the clock to see its already 11 13 am.

I groaned standing up, then ran quickly to the bathroom and vomiting in the toilet seat.

After i finally finished, i dragged my self to the sink to wash my mouth, i looked at the mirror and saw that not only do i feel, but also look like shit.

I swear to god everytime we do this it become worse than the one before it, and i will for live drops with it.

I then remembered Rose.

She probably hating her life desicions or murdering someone.

With that thought i quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth, then stepped out of the bathroom.

I looked around the room to see i am not in my room. Then it hit me Peter took me to his room yesterday, cause he was to worried to leave me alone and when i tried to jump through the window to prove that i can fly, only to slam head first on the glass wall.

I winced.

Hopefully i didn't do or say anything else embarrassing.

I groaned again holding my head and dragging myself to the kitchen.

Once i entered the room some started chuckling and others said "good morning" my head is hurting too much to acknowledge who is who.

Then Tony turned to me handing me a cup of coffee, while holding another cup in his other one sipping on it. I looked up and saw Peter he smiled at me i smiled back at him weakly.

"thanks" i muttered and took a seat on one of the chairs and sip on it.

"welcome" he said chuckling

"we have to talk about your drinking problems once the sleeping beauty wakes up" he added taking a seat on a chair next to me sipping on his coffee.

I choked on my coffee"what?" i manged to say.

I looked around quickly trying to find Rose, but she wasn't around.

"where's Rose? "i turned back to Tony panicked.

Loki raised an eyebrow at me, but i ignored him.

"woah relax kid she is still sleeping after her late night baking at 3 am" he said trying to comfort me

My eyes widen.

She still asleep.

"how long has she been sleeping?!" i said panicking more, standing up but this time i directed the question to Loki seeing he was the one who took her to bed.

"almost 8 hours, why?" he said confused, but stood up alarmed. So did everyone else, and by that i mean Peter, Bucky, and Tony.

"SHIT" I quickly left the room going to Rose room.

I heard the others following me asking what's wrong, but i have no time to explain.

As i pass Loki's room it felt colder than usual.

Ro is there

I put my hand on the door knob and felt its ice cold.

Shit..... Rose is definitely there.

I tried opening the door, but it was jammed, it wouldn't budge cause of the ice forming on it.

I start knocking on the door "RO OPEN THE DOOR" I yelled, but no response i put my ear on the door, even tho it's very cold that it actually burns, i heard muttering.

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