Chapter 73

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We went to the arcade and it went like.

Loki flirting with me in open, until Tony pops up and hit the back of his head and yell at him to leave me alone making both of them fight, while I got hungry from watching them fighting.

Bucky was eating pizza, while arguing with Sam, who got annoyed and bite Bucky's finger before running to hide behind Steve with Bucky hot on his heels.

Steve was trying to calm Bucky and Sam down before he got angry and slapped them both making me burst in laughter.

Clint was laughing at people with Natasha, who was enjoying herself with him while looking at her phone, definitely work related she would never take a break.

Tony constantly getting beat up in a game by Stephen who looked rather smug, before Tony got frustration and left to the bathroom and gave himself a pep talk.

Peter played with kids and Harley, and would always blush and look away when Harley yell happily ,making Harley grin, but blush a bit when he noticed.

Bruce tried teaching Thor the games. Thor slowly learned how to play only to get excited and broke the game, making Bruce pale and tug Thor away quickly.

Pietro went around flirting with some girl annoying her, making Wanda get angry and hit the back of his head with a shoe.

Vision was talking to the machines their. Which earned him quite lots of looks until Wanda tugged him away.

Bucky got angry and smashed one of the game screen after Sam kept winning in a shooting game, which Sam was cheating in it by hacking the machine.

The kids were the only normal ones and went around teaching everyone how to play. Which at the end we got alot of tickets and went to the gift side.

While the guys stayed with kids to get their trophy. Wanda, Natasha , and I slipped to the bathroom

"How do you feel Rose?" Wanda asked as she was fixing her hair in the mirror

"I feel better thanks for asking" I smiled at her pulling my perfume out.

"What with the puffy red hands? Did Loki or someone hurt you?" Natasha stated narrowing her eye's at my hands then at me through the mirror as she was reapplying her lipstick

"Loki? Loki would never Nat" I frowned and crossed my arms defensively while glaring at her

"She is right Nat. Didn't you see him! He cares alot about her and makes sure she is taken care of all the time. He wouldn't even let her hold anything or play cause of her hands" Wanda giggled

"Ummmm you got a point.... but that doesn't explain the hands" Natasha agreed

"you know me. I do something dumb and get hurt all the time..... few hours and they will be back as good as new. And before you start to scold me. Loki already did and will do more later" I reassured her and sighed at the end slouching a bit forward

"That's what you get for being a dumbass " Natasha smirked shaking her head.

"Let's go now before lover boy burst in the bathroom to check on her" Wanda said giggled

"He wouldn't " I narrowed my eye's at her

"Ohh really? Then let's go" Wanda raised an eyebrow before tugging me outside the bathroom with Natasha chuckling at us.

I was about to ask her something only to see Loki standing infront of the bathroom making me stop in my tracks.

"The fuck?" I asked shocked

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