Chapter 12

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I saw Harley glaring at me while walking away.

He is gonna kill me later

Chatter return to the room again. Peter was fidgeting again, his knee is bouncing on the floor unconsciously.

"ohh i am sorry i didn't mean to - i am not doing it on purpose, i will just stop" he stuttered, stopping his knee, and looking away quickly.

I think i stared too long

"Peter" he's eyes widen seeing i called him with his real name instead of some silly nickname, poor thing he thought i was mad, he looked panicked.

"never and i mean never EVER dare and apologize for that again, you don't control your fidgeting, i know that, you should never be scolded or be yelled at cause of it, and there's no need to be ashamed of it, it's normal" i said reassuring him

"it's not normal" he muttered sadly, i can already see his own thoughts attacking him

"you mean ADHD? It's normal spidey, and it's okay“ his eyes snapped to me widening in horror like i said the unspoken curse.

"it's not normal, it's a curse" he said loudly shaking his head aggressively

"i didn't mean that the ADHD in specific is normal, i mean that it's normal to have mental health issues, everyone have at least 2 or more mental issues even if they don't show it, hell even some don't know they have it" i said

"you see people with ADHD thrive in disruptive situations, they can literally solve any problem thrown in their direction making them unstoppable, that alone is a super power" i said excited at the last part.

He smiled at my excitement. "and let me tell you they are the best people to sit with, to motivate others, they embrace adventure like no other, and somehow you can adapt at multi tasking, like bitch what? i am envious of you, this is so cool" i said, making him laugh at the end.

"and yeah right it all sounds amazing and even like a super power, but i also know it have its ups and down, there's nothing ever completely bad no matter what it is there's always light even if it's a small candle in a room full of darkness focus on the light and before you know the darkness would disappear "i said, make a flame of fire in my hand.

Suddenly he jumped on me, i quickly dismissed the fire before he get

" you idiot you could have hu-" i stopped talking when i felt him shaking

"...... Peter?" i said slowly

" thank you " he mumbled in my ear sobbing.

I just sat and hugged him until he stopped shaking and his breath is even.

"potato... Pst potato, spidey fell asleep come and take him to his room"i whisper yelled seeing him standing near by tearing up, and now wearing some oversized hoodie.

He quickly nodded and took Peter from my side and asked friday for directions for Peter's room.

I looked around and everyone was tense, i saw Wanda and Vision, are here now.

"sup Wands, how was the date with Vision?" i asked

"it's was amazing, thanks for asking" she said politely, but she was still tensed.

I sighed "okay, okay yeah i am a witch or whatever you wanna call me, i can control water" i said making the wine fly up a bit from Natasha's glass then making go back in

"fire" i said lighting a flame in my hand but making it bit bigger than the one i did while talking to Peter

"earth" i said making some plant on the side grow a bit on the wall

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