Chapter 45

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I woke up and saw that it's still 6 pm. I stepped of my bed and noticed that I was no longer in the clothes I wore to school but now was wearing  big black hoodie .

I know this smell anywhere...... Loki

At that thought I smiled.

No bitch no smiling he was asshole to us

I know I know

I sighed and went out of my room not bothering to change.

I went into the living room and saw almost everyone here. I sat on the opposite couch of Harley and Peter , between Pietro and Loki.

"Hey Harls I have a mission later "I told him telepathic

"What type of a mission? And when do you need to go?" Harley thought.

"Strip club mission and at 8 pm I should leave the target arrives their at 9 pm" I told him bit annoyed

"I hate the club missions they're disgusting " Harley grumbled

"Dude I am the one who is dancing infront the old men " I rolled my eyes

"et je suis celui qui devrait les regarder vous regarder comme si vous étiez un objet" Harley snapped and started talking in French.

{Translation:and i am the one who would have to watch them looking at you like you are an object}

"aww ne vous fâchez pas ... si vous voulez ne pas besoin de me regarder" i suggested softly

{ Translation:aww don't get mad .... if you want don't nees to watch me }

It really must be hard for him to watch me dance like that being touched by disgusting old men and not being able to do anything

Yeah....but killing them all gives him satisfaction at least

Him and us

"comme si " he grumbled glaring at me while I just giggled .

{Translation:as if }

"That was hot " Pietro said earning glare from everyone in the room.

"Thanks French is my second language " I giggled

"What?" Peter asked

"Yeah .... my mom was from France and my father was Italian......... but they met in Canada and lived there" I smiled at him .

"There's alot I don't know about her" I heard Loki mumbled, but decided  to ignore him.

"So how was school today?" Tony asked like always.

"Boring " I said nonchalantly

"Amusing " Harley said grinning

"Rose got kicked out from 3 classes and didn't attend 2 " Peter piped up

"I am not shocked" Steve sighed

"Well at least she didn't get kicked out of one" Wanda pointed out positively

"She was on her phone the whole time" Harley said snickering

"Yeah that's more believable " Sam snorted

"Work . I was working" I grumbled pulling my knees to my chest under the hoodie.

"She even tricked that guy that follows her around "Harley added smirking making Loki clenched his hands.

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