Chapter 52

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I waked up next morning,  well it's more like I stayed up till 4 am and then went searching for Loki who was talking to Thor and dragged him to bed to cuddle.

It's 6 49 am when I woke up to Loki looking at me, yet again, but didn't mention it, I smiled up at him and gave him a quick peck before jumping off the bed and to the bathroom to shower.

After quick shower I stepped out and saw Loki is now resting against the headboard while reading a book.

"What are you reading this early in the morning?" I grumbled

"Some Asgardian old book" he chuckled, but didn't look up as I dropped my towel and started to get ready.

"Hmmmm and what is it talking about?" I asked curiously

"Nothing important darling ....... just an old myths " Loki said brushing it off, but I saw him tense slightly before quickly relaxing his body.

He isn't lying .....but he ain't telling the whole truth

"And what is the sudden interest in the old myths?" I asked again putting on my jacket.

"And what's the sudden interest in what I am reading?" Loki asked eyeing my clothes while I do my hair

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"And what's the sudden interest in what I am reading?" Loki asked eyeing my clothes while I do my hair

"I asked first" I pointed out locking my eye's with him .

We went in this staring that seemed to last forever before he sighed looking away.

"Just a silly myth Thor reminded me of last night..." Loki sighed

"I want to learn Asgardian ..... Will you teach me?" I asked him making him snap his eye's up at me in shock.

"Of course love...... I love your thirst for knowledge " Loki admited fondly

"And I love how you help me to learn things and not go against it " I beamed jumping on him and giving him a hug.

"Darling your knee isn't complete healed yet ....... and why would I go against it?" Loki scolded before frowning

"Some men doesn't like when women knows alot and smart" I shrugged.

"That's dumb" Loki pointed out

"I know...... I gotta go now ..... don't miss to much .....Bye " I smiled standing up.

He quickly held my wrist and pulled me back at his lap smashing our lips together.

"I would say the same to you love...... don't do anything stupid.......and take care of yourself " he said pulling away brushing a strand out of my face and behind my ear before kissing my forehead.

Too much love

Too much care


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