Chapter 57

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We entered the house through the backdoor and started walking around. We found the asshole in the kitchen boiling some water while only wearing his boxers.

I smirked and started walking closer to him while Loki decided to just sit back and watch.

"Hello there" I smirked startling him .

"Ohh fuck" he mumbled clutching his sides

"Who are you and what the fuck are you doing here ?" He asked

"Who I am and what I am doing here isn't important......what's important now is you" I said seductively while warping my arms around his neck.

Dude I can feel Lou's glare on us

I know it burns

Okay now you are being dramatic

"Are you lost baby girl?" He smirk warping his hands around my waist.

I hold back a gag .

"No " I smiled at him before grabbing his head and smashing it with counter and then let him fall to the ground

"What the fuck?" He groaned holding his bloody hands.

"Good job darling.......but I don't really appreciate you touching him or him touching you" Loki growled at the end in my ear while warping his arms around my waist from behind.

"Sorry?" I smiled sheepishly

"You will get your punishment later..... we have audience now" Loki smirked pointing with his head at the shaking asshole on the floor

"Who are you ?" He asked shaking

"I am a fate worse than death" I chuckled darkly

I restrained his hands and legs to the floor with my magic and went to the boiling water.

"So you tried to drug my brother? Si? And you probably drugged multiple people before him" I said coldly

"If a good time is what you want baby girl all you had to do is ask" the asshole smirked eyeing me.

Loki didn't like his comment and throwed a dagger in his stomach.

"Lou! You can't give him the quick death he wanted!" I grumbled pulling the dagger out of his stomach.

"I don't like how he is talking or looking at you dear" Loki glared at me and then at him.

I rolled my eye's at him and licked the blood of the blade.

"Awww look that asshole is already hard" I pointed out giggling and held the boiling water up ignoring Loki.

"Wh-what are you doi-doing?" The man on the floor sutured and tried to move away, but couldn't cause of the restrains I have put on .

"Oh nothing ........just experimenting something " I said before pouring the boiling water on his clothed dick.

He yelled in pain and started trashing around .


"Hmmmm.......and cause you put your hands on me I gotta have a punishment now......which is unfair" I pouted and poured the boiling water on his hands

"Stop-op.....ple-please ...... I wil-will gi-give you mon-monney ..... I-i will giv-give you eve-everything " he begged

"Hmmmm.....nah I don't want money I have enough of it......but don't you think it's funny?" I giggled tilting my head to the left looking at him with wide eye's and crouched down beside his face.

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