Chapter 48

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I groaned and went to sit up only to go back down chuckling at the pain.

"Fuck I miss it" I mumbled

Yeah it's been a while since we felt the sweet sweet pain

"I am not sure thats what sane person would say" Loki pointed out amused

"Who said I was sane?" I asked him grinning .

He chuckled shaking his head. I looked down and saw that our hands were interlocked which made me smile softly.

"Why did you do that?" Loki asked looking at our hands sadly then up to my eye's.

"Why did you save me?" He asked and there's anger in his eye's.

"Cause like it or not you have grown too much on me...... you are important to me ........ it wouldn't be good for anyone if you have gotten help" I explained.

"You could have died" he snarled while holding my hand tightly.

"But I didn't "I pointed out

"That's not how shit works Rose" he growled at me angrily.

Ohh shit he is really angry

"Did you think how will death will impact the others ?..... how it will impact me ?" He snarled squeezing my hand tighter from the anger that it started to hurt.

I bit down on my tongue so I won't giggle out in pain.

"Lou it already happened we can't change anything. Look I am okay now and-" I started and sat straight hiding any trance of pain.

"You aren't. You not only endangered yourself by using excessive amount of magic that and you aren't trained . But you also pushed me away...... it should have been me in this bed not you ..... it should have been me hurt not you" he said softly at the end and went to pull away, but I pulled him back closer and held his head between my hands.

"Loki it ain't your fault. You did nothing wrong . You actually saved me before those piles of rocks fall on me . You did great Lou and you did more than you can do. You saved multiple lives tonight . You saved from getting more hurt. And I'll heal in the matter of few days" I said looking at his sad eyes.

"You really know what to say love" he said putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

Before I can say anything he kissed me softly and pulled away.

"But you shouldn't have gotten hurt in the first place" he said softly caressing my cheek careful not to touch any scratches.

"Lo-" I started, but he put a finger on lips.

"Let me have sometime alone...... I need process everything that happened in the past few hours darling " he asked softly gazing at me with those beautiful green emerald eyes.

"I understand..... come back to me tho .....and don't do anything stupid, that's my thing" I joked at the end.

"Don't worry darling " he chuckled sadly and kissed my forehead and left.

I watched him leave the medical wing and sighed leaning back down on the bed groaning.

We fucked up didn't we ?

Probably, but there was nothing else we can do

I know, like bitch like he'll I would let you get hurt when I could have helped you

Yeah.... you know he felt the same way

I groaned siting up and getting of the bed only to almost fall while I burst in laughter at the pain that shoot up in my whole body.

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