Chapter 47

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"Are you two dating?" Tony asked seriously while eyeing us.

"In my mind we are already dating, but in real life he doesn't even acknowledge my existence " I said nonchalantly.

"What ?" They both said looking at me weirdly .

"Joking......he didn't even asked me to be his girlfriend yet can you believe that?" I huffed crossing my arms and leaning back.

"She isn't my girlfriend Stark" Loki announce rolling his eyes.



"Ohh really? Okay then. Rose there's this guy he is interested and wanna mee-" Tony started, but stopped when Loki growled at him and he put his hand on my thigh protectively.

And they say I am the bipolar one

" anyways, what makes you think that we are dating?" I asked Tony while rolling my eyes.

"I don't know .....let's see...... maybe it's the fact that he never sit or talk to anyone that much before ..... maybe it's the fact that you where cuddling yesterday or always somehow always touching each other...... or the fact that you two have hickeys..... so yeah I don't know" Tony said sarcastically while pointing shit out.

I glanced at Loki and saw his very obvious hickey.

We did great


"I see that you didn't hide it" I smirked

"I could say the same to you darling" Loki smirked back making Tony cough.

"I am still here" Tony said annoyed and disgusted.

"Sadly " Loki muttered.

"Behave Lou" I scolded him while giggling.

"And what's is it with you with what happens between me and her , Tincan?" Loki asked raising an eyebrow.

This is going to be a long night

"Hey" I called a the waiter.

"Yes ma'am ?" The waiter came.

"One bottle of the finest whine in the restaurant please" I said politely

"Are you sure ma'am ? It's bit expensive and you don't seem in the legal age of drinking "the waiter replied politely

"Just get it" Tony sighed before I do something.

"Yes sir" the waiter said recognising Tony.

"She is like a daughter to me. And from what Thor said you were quite the ladies man back at Asgard...... and I want to make sure you won't hurt her.... or there's consequences " Tony said leaning a bit forward looking at Loki.

"Is that a threat?" Loki asked narrowing his eyes.

Dramatic ass bitches

"Pops don't worry I can handle myself. And Lou you cheat , you die" I said turning towards him smiling sweetly with wide eye's and tilting my head to the left.

"Noted..... but don't worry darling..... I would never " Loki looked at me softly

"I know just making sure that I warned" I told him

"Here is your drink " the waiter came with bottle and started pouring for Tony and Loki .

He hesitated to pour for me, but I glared at him making him pour the whine in my glass and leave quickly.

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