Chapter 34

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I woke up and saw that i was in Loki's room again. I looked at the clock and saw 7 44am and closed my eyes, going back to sleep.

744 am?!

I snapped my eyes wide and looked at the clock.

"shit" i mumbled, and jumped of the bed and went to my room.

I took off Loki's hoodie that smell like heaven...

Snap out of it hoe

I quickly hopped in and out of the shower. I decided to wear my black bralette, white blazer, white pants and black belt and my black high heels.

 I decided to wear my black bralette, white blazer, white pants and black belt and my black high heels

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I let my black long hair down, put some eyeliner and mascara, red blood lipstick.

I used my magic to lift them up and made them follow me, while i hold the files in my other hand

"i am late i am late i am late" i kept muttering entering the kitchen opening the fridge and pulling out a red bull.

"good morning" i smiled cheekly when i turned around.

"you look beautiful today" Natasha hummed.

"thank you" i smiled at her and opened the can and started chugging on it.

"why is evryone shocked?" i asked looking around.

"maybe cause you are up early" Bruce said

"i have work" i stated waving the files in the air.

"or that you are wearing heels and make up and your clothes not entirely black" Sam explained

"i can't really go to a billion dollars fashion company wearing something like criminal outlawed teenager" i huffed

"or the fact your wearing a bra and going out like that" Clint pointed out

"ohh well" i shrugged

"where do you think you are going wearing that young lady?" Tony asked.

"work" i replied checking my wrist reading 8 09 am

"you look amazing doll. But at least wear a T-shirt" Bucky suggested.

"why?" i said, taking one of the donuts that were on the table.

"boys are gonna look at your chest" Harley stated bluntly

"you and i both know that's all they can do.... Unless i said otherwise" i joked at the end.

"what?" Loki growled

"chill, i was joking. Plus i am going to work i don't have time for that shit" i said.

"don't worry dad. I will be careful" i said kissing Tony's cheek and walking away.

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