Chapter 43

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I took my time walking back to the living room, cause I was fixing my hair and pj's.

"I was coming to check on you the pizza had arrived like 10 minutes ago" Harley said once he saw me .

"Sorry I took long shower and didn't keep track of time " I said taking a box and went to sit.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw Loki sitting there reading a book with no care in the world.

How the fuck did he get here?

He looked up and saw my shocked face then winked at me smirking before returning back to his book.

I snapped out of it and sat down between him and Bucky .

"How the fuck did you get here so quick and without anyone noticing?" I whisper yell opening the pizza box.

"It's quite simple darling" he said smugly looking at me while I took bite out my pizza

"And that is?" I asked him to continue taking another bite .

"I put an illusion and teleported to your friend first then back to my room then here ....Quite simple" he explained

"Hmmmm" I hummed touching him to make sure he is here.

"I am real love" he chuckled.

"You better ..... don't you dare ever let me talk to your illusions while you are somewhere out there" I warned him

"Never darling.  I quite like your company " he chuckled.

"What an honour! the God of Mischief  likes me! " I gasped dramatically

"That's not what I said darling" he chuckled at me amused

"Yeah yeah.... want some ?  I didn't see you eat yet" I asked offering him some pizza

"Thank you darling, but I am not hungry" he declined politely

"If you won't eat I won't either" I said closing the box and stood up to put it away when I was pulled back down on the couch .

"I swear Rosalina if you don't finish that box you won't like the consequences " Loki growled making me tense.

I nodded and sat quietly and started eating slowly, he eyed me and stood up suddenly making me flinch a bit , he looked at shocked and concerned.

"What was that?" He asked eyeing me, making me snap out of it.

"What was what?" I asked putting on a confused smile.

"You know what" he said narrowing his eye's at me.

"I have no clue what you are talking about" I said with fake confusion

He glared at me and got his a pizza box floating towards him with his magic and started eating while eyeing me while I talked and joked with the others.

Peter then had to go to patrol ,and Harley went to stalk him as always. I finished my pizza, FINALLY,  and continued talking to others , while they told me about how their missions went .

At 1 am , I saw Bucky still bit tense and zoning out alot .

Now or never

"Hey Buckester let's get a drink" I said standing up and offering him my hand.

"You do know that it won't do anything " Bucky pointed out taling my hand and standing up.

"A glass maybe .... but a bottle or three will help with the nerves " I said walking towards the bar .

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