Chapter 75

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I woke up next day groaning with Violet snuggled up to me, while Blue snuggled up to a sleeping Loki.

This is nice

This is cute

I glanced at the clock and saw 4 30 am.

We need to train. We can't risk hurting them or anyone for the matter

I know I know

I sighed, but smiled softly at them and kissed there forheads before slowly and carefully getting off the bed.

I left the room and walked down to the gym and switched my attire to more comfortable workout one.

I left the room and walked down to the gym and switched my attire to more comfortable workout one

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I went out of the house and into the forest far away away from the house.

I met Lucifer and Aulak on the way , but I ordered them to stay away.

Once I felt that I was far away enough and in a good spacious place, I made an ice glob, so I won't destroy the forest and with that I started training.


I fell to the ground on my knees panting. I growled and punched the ground remembering what Stephen said.

They are gonna die cause we are weak

They are gonna die cause we couldn't even manage our magic


I stood up panting and wipped the sweat on my face with the back of my hand.

I put my hands over each other and tried to make and air ball inside my palm.

But every fucking single time I try it explodes and send me back. Just like now it slammed against a tree making cough blood the moment my back slammed the tree.

"For fucks sake" I growled panting, while I am on my hands and knees.

I heard whinning and scratching coming from the otherside of the ice globe I made.

I groaned and walked to that side and beside the scratching, two meters away , I used my fire and blasted the globe enough to make a door so I can walk out.

I didn't even take another step when Aulak tackled me and started licking the dirt from my chest and neck.

"I am okay Aulak. I am okay" I giggled assured

"The blood begs to differ" I heard a voice making me tense up, and roll me and Aulak away before summoning ice dagger and throw it in that direction.

I was squatting with Aulak behind and I was ready to attack, when I notice that it's actually Loki with Lucifer sitting beside him.

"Fucking hell" I groaned falling backwards to the ground.

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