Chapter 28

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Rose popped up in the middle of the room startling me and falling off the bed. She laughed at me holding her stomach.

"That's not funny bitch" i said rubbing my head while on the floor.

"it is! You should have seen your face" she chuckled lending me a hand which i took it and pulled her down making her fall face first on the floor.

"owwww, you jerk" she said rubbing her nose, eyes watering cause of the hit.

"now that's funny" i grinned at her.

She hitted me in the back of the head.

"stop abusing me woman" i said standing up and sitting on the bed, and she did the same.

"so tell me what happened exactly in those 3 days" i demanded.


"So let me get this straight, none of those 187 fuckers know the bastard's location Not even that son of a bitch Sentiego?" i asked frustrated.

"you aren't exactly straight, but if you want we can call Peter to test the theory" she joked.

"but yeah none of them knows. Sentiego knows but he was injected with some kinda of forgetful seurem that made him forget the location seeing that he was dealing with the shipments outside and dropping them in different locations every month, Egor sets the location."she sighed when she saw my 'seriously bitch, now?' face.

"But he said that Egor once told me where the location was while torturing me, but apparently i was high on pain or drugs or whatever. So i don't really fucking remember "she said frustrated pulling her hair.

"pulling your hair won't help with a shit, unless your trying for the wicked witch of the west look, which you already have looks of it, but like the little her" i joked.

"why you little...... I am giving you 5 seconds to run away before i start shooting you" she said my eyes widen at that.

"com-"i was cut off.

"one" she said pulling her Glock 19

"one" she said pulling her Glock 19

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Ohh shit

I quickly scrambled of the bed and out of the room.

I quickly ran to living room to see Tony there.

"don't tell her where i am" i said quickly and hide behind the couch.

He frowned confused and was about to say something.


"is tha-" he started.

I put a finger on my mouth and looked at him in pleading eyes, he just sigh and sat away on the bar continuing his work.

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