Chapter 76

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I woke up on the bed groaning shuffling around and on my stomach that's hurting me, cause of my period and probably cause I am hungry.

I want to kill someone

Yeah and let's get food on our way

"Hey are you okay?" Loki asked softly from beside me on the bed putting the book away.

"Obviously not , I feel like shit , I probably look like shit...... why the fuck would you ask that?" I snapped whinning, and groaning, then turned angry

"Yeah good" he said giving me huge bar of honeysuckle milk chocolate, and let me tell you, it was the biggest bar I have ever seen

"That's my favourite choclate......thank youuuu" I said tackling him into a hug

"Anytime love" he chuckled

"I am sorry for being a bitch" I mumbled opening the chocolatebar and breaking a piece out of it

"It's okay darling I know you can help it" Loki patted my head

"Chocolate?" I said offering him some of my chocolate

"I got it for yo-....why not?" He chuckled, when he saw my pout turn to happy smile and feed him the chocolate

"It's huge" I said looking at it

"Its the biggest one I could find miss moody" Loki said chuckling while cuddling me

We sat there for a while. I curled in Loki's lap munching on my chocolate bar feeding him every now and then, while he played with my hair.

From one to ten. How much do you think he would be pissed if we do what we always do?

Solid 85

I groaned and put my head in my hand making Loki frown

"Love?" Loki questioned

Just suck it up. You had worse

Right I was tortured before and trained assassin

I took deep breath and kissed Loki before getting off the bed only to be pulled back in.

"What happened? Where are you going?" Loki frowned holding my wrist.

"I need to wake the others up to go. And what do you mean?" I asked raising my eyebrow a bit.

"Ohh okay..... your demor changed suddenly..... it became colder darling" Loki replied softly putting a strand of hai behind my ear.

"It's for the pain Lou..... and so I won't kill the other's while I wake them up" I assured him.

Loki nodded recluently kissing my forhead and letting me go.

I walked towards Buck's room where him and the kids are staying.

I knocked softly on the door and opened it when I got no response. I walked over to them and with a hand on my mouth to hide the huge smile I had.

Bucky was sleeping in the middle with Blue laying his head on Bucky's stomach from the right side while Violet was laying her head on his chest from the left side.

Camera! Where is the camera ?we need a camera!

I knowww

I quickly teleported my phone to my hand and took multiple pictures of the sleeping idiots.

I want multiple copies of this!

Bucks is gonna love it

I grinned and sent him the pictures. I put my phone aside and sat on the bed which made Bucky groan and open his eye's alerted.

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