Chapter 39

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"Yeah that's not creepy at all" Tony sighed taking a sip of his drink.

"Thanks for the reminder of why I am scared of you" Sam said taking a couple steps away from me .

Everyone else chuckled at them.

"Okay let's eat and go suit up " Tony announced

At 2 40 pm Harley , Peter,  Loki and I board on one jet . While Sam , Tony and Bucky went on the other one.

"Why did we take two jets ? We could all fit in the jet" Peter asked confused

" You see spider. you can't really put the victims with their abusers,  they will have panic attacks and shit . And none of us is going to be available to help them..... especially if there's alot of them" I explained

"What is shocking is you letting them live " Harley pointed out eyeing me while driving the jet

"She let those crazy scientists live too from that base you blew up " Loki stated confused

"Don't worry about it I have a plan for that " I shrugged

"Anyways a birdy told me that you guys finally kissed" I smirked making Peter blush and look away.

Harley lost control from the shock making the jet drop a bit .

"You guys are okay back there?"  Tony asked through the intercom

"Yeah ,yeah everything is fine just Rose being stupid. Don't worry" Harley quickly replied blushing hard while glaring at me

"ROSE YOU CAN'T SAY SHIT LIKE THAT" Harley said turning to me.

"I can and I did" I said smugly sticking my tongue at him making Loki chuckle at my behavior.

" how did you even know ?" Peter asked confused then it down him and Harley.

"YOU SET US UP" Peter screeched

"You guys are much of wouldn't even kiss after the camera man  pointed at you 16 times thankfully at 17 you did .... I swear if it went to 20 and you didn't kiss I was going to make you guys trip or something and make you kiss" I huffed

By the time I finished talking they were both bright red .

"You make it sound so easy" Harley grumpled

"It is easy!" I examine

"Prove it" Harley shot back smirking.

I rolled my eyes and stood up from my seat and toward Loki who was eyeing me wearily and smashed our lips together making me forget for a second and lose myself in his sweet touch. For a second.

I pulled away only for Loki to growl and put his hand on my neck pulling me back in and on his lap.

"For fucks sake this disgusting " Harley grumbled while Peter was bright red.

"See easy " I said ignoring him and still sitting on Loki's lap who is amused by the whole thing.

"That cause you are a hoe" Harley grinned

"Take that back pussy" I narrowed my eyes at him

"C-can we change the subject..... please" Peter asked in pleading  tone

"Of course spider" I smiled at him making sigh in relief then frown

"What is Pete?" I asked him I saw him hesitatant

"Harley said something before about you  ..... skipping?" Peter asked looking at me frowning making Loki tighten his hold on me.

Well shit

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