Chapter 37

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"Love you Harls.... Even tho you are pain in the ass" i whispered to Harley making him chuckle

"drama queen" Harley said amused at my reaction.

Loki took my hand and in a second we are teleported away to the roof of some high building. I didn't get the chance to know exactly where cause i was pinned to the wall.

"first, you started talking about kissing another men infront of me. Second, you tried to jump on my brother and drink with him. Third, you said you are just stressed which i know you where lying to me." he snarled.

"i ain't that patient, but i gave you multiple chances and let you slide off but hurting yourself, that's a whole another story dear." he growled

"you could have just asked i would have given you pleasure and pain in ways you could never have imagined kitten" he whispered in my ear.

"you are too confident about that.... And that's my body i can do whatever i want with it.... I can kiss whoever i want and do what i want with whoever i choose" i said narrowing my eyes at him.

He growled and smashed his lips to mine possessively the cut on my lip reopened and i could taste the blood on my lips. He tried to enter his tounge in my mouth but i refused.

He squeezed my ass but i didn't budge. He growled and raised up his hand to my burned shoulder and tenderly touched around it making me gasp.

He took that as chance and plugged his tounge in my mouth tasting the blood.

We fought for dominance for what seems hours but it was merely few minutes, none of us giving up and submit to the other.

He finally pulled away infrustration and ran a hand in his hair. While i panted a bit then chuckled.

"what?" He growled

"you gotta do alot more than that to make me submit to you, but i gotta give you credit, you knew what to do to get me open my mouth which is quicker than i thought" i said amused.

"but as much as i enjoy our little interaction here i gotta go" i smirked and teleported before he could say anything.

I teleported to my room to find Harley there.

"Number?" Harley asked

"Between 5 and 4 " I replied

"So what's going on between you and Loki? it seemed more heated than i thought" Harley said laying on bed and looking up at celling.

" He still doesn't know how to feel about the whole thing... He is possessive but won't say shit..... To be honest, i don't know what to feel about the whole thing anymore too..... we kissed coupled times here and there..." i said while taking a quick shower and leaving the door open.

" damn you guys kissed before us"Harley grumbled

"wait you and Spider didn't even kiss yet?" i said shocked stepping out of the bathroom with a towel, I looked at him and saw his face is still facing the celling, but he had his hands on his face.

"He is so sweet Ro , so innocent, so beautiful,so ........I don't even know .I just don't want to ruin him, but at the same time I want" he groaned, while I pulled out some pj's and dressed.

"First of all ,that's disgusting I am your sister for fucks sake I don't need to know what your dirty mind is up to do to my other brother" I said fake gagging while putting on some underwear and one of Loki's hoodies.

Yeah I BORROWED multiple ones .....again

Hopefully he won't notice...

Who are we kidding ,of course he  will notice

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