Chapter 38

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I woke up next day to my phone ringing I groan and answered it without looking.

"Hello" I said but it was a bit muffled

"Good morning Mrs Winter I send you the tickets for the basketball game yesterday they should be with you like and hour ago " someone said

"Yeah okay thank you I will send you the money and everything in few minutes " with that I closed my eyes and laid back in my bed .

After 5 minutes I groaned and stretched on my bed arching my back till it cracked making me moan in statistfaction.

I look at the clock and saw that it's 9 45 am . I stood up and put on a random hoodie and left my room and towards the living room.

And as the man said the tickets had arrived.

"Hey Harls, Pete I got you guys the tickets for the basketball game you were talking about yesterday morning in the car " I said walking towards them holding the tickets up.

"NO WAY THANK YOU RORO" Peter said tackling me to the ground hugging me , more like crushing me, while Harley snatched the tickets out of my hand examining them.

"Your welcome Pete at least you know some maners and said thank you unlike the bitch here" I groaned patting his back indicating to let me go.

He stood up offering me his hand while chuckling sheepishly. I took his hand and stood up only to be tackled into another hug but, thankfully,  this time not to the ground.

"Thank you Ro .....but  why is there only two tickets?" He asked pulling away from the hug and raising and eyebrow.

"Cause you two are going alone , I have to go to the company to see few things " i  said walking away but stopped before I turned to the corridor

" the game start in at 11 am I would get ready if I were you ...... and think about it as your first date .... Have fun " I added walking away smugly

"ROSE" They both yelled

I bet they are both blushing


I watched as Harley and Peter sit down on their seats sharing snacks and drinks , and laughing here and there.


Suddenly they got on kissing came making Harley blush like crazy and covering his head , while Peter is also blushing but also making obvious "no" gesture.

The crowd boos at them ...... so did I.

What ? They are being pussies and little teenage kids

You are all teenage kids

Smartass.... let's focus on them now

The kiss camera comes back to them several times during the game , but they both object, making me annoyed.

For fucks sake come on

"OHH FOR CHRIST SAKE " Peter yelled infrustration reading my mind

He turned towards Harley and held him by the collar smashing their lips together, making the crowd , and me of course , go wildly.

Fucking finally

Harley sat there for half an hour blankly staring ahead in shock and blushing , Peter was also blushing hard but tried to focus on the game.

"I wonder why the kiss camera kept coming back to us" Harley stated out loudly making Peter shrug and continue watching the game, but blushing even more if that's possible .

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