Chapter 40

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I groaned sitting up holding my head. I looked around and saw that I was in Loki's room and yet again in another one of his hoodies.


"HARLEY FUCKING KEENER" I yelled walking out of the room and into the corridor.

I entered the kitchen and summoned an ice dagger.

"Where the fuck is he ?" I growled

Everyone went silent.

I don't have time for this shit

I read their minds and knew now that he is hiding under the table.

"Get the fuck out from under the table..... NOW " I yelled

"Hey Ro " Harley said sheepishly pulling from under the table.

"You have 3 minutes to fucking explain why you drugged me" I snarled at him .

"Ros-" Steve started, but I throwed the dagger near his face.

"Stay the fuck out of it " I growled at him not taking my eye's of Harley and summoning another ice dagger.

"Okay deep breath . You were tired and we both new you wouldn't sleep an-" he started, but I walked over making him step back till he his back hit the wall while I pointed my dagger at his chest.

"Not good excuse" I snarled at him

"Wait 3 minutes ain't up . I looked did that cause you were starting saying some shit so I drugged you so you won't regret what you are gonna say or do when you woke up" he said quickly.

"Fine" I huffed after eyeing him up and down I took 3 steps and then sent 10 daggers towards him surrounding his body .

"Don't you fucking dare drug me gain without my permission " I narrowed my eyes at him.

"And you two" I turned to amused Loki and shocked Tony . Who their faces quickly changed to nervousness.

"If you fucking dare to interfere in my battles again I will fucking skin you alive "I glared at them .

"But if we didn't you would be seriously injured or worse " Loki stated crossing his arms from where he was standing.

"A knife wound ? A gun wound? I won't die cause of the shit it wasn't going to be anywhere fatal. Plus even if it was , it would be worth it knowing these two motherfuckers are dead." I glared at him making him glare back.

The room was tense and I can already feel the fire surround me .

"Break it off you two " Steve said stepping between Loki and me.

He put his hand on my shoulder,  but I quickly held it and put pressure on it making him wince in pain.

"I told you to stay out of it" I narrowed my eyes at him.

Break it , you already warned him

"Rose " Bucky warned.

I huffed leaving Steve's hand and walked towards the fridge pulling red bull and teleporting my cigarettes to my hand .

I sat down on the kitchen bar lighting up a cigarette with my fire and took a drag out of it.

"She smokes too. Why does she also smoke?" Tony sighed while I take a drag.

"It's not good  fo-" Steve started, but stopped when is boot him a glare blowing off the smoke

"Why are you smoking? And how did he drug you I thought you can't get drugged?" Bruce asked confused making me chuckle and open my red bull taking a sip of it.

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