Chapter 71

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I groaned shuffling around in the bed.

"Shh darling go back to sleep it's only 1 37 am.... you only slept 3 hours " Loki mumbled playing with my hair.

1 37 am?

Shit they will be here in few minutes

"Shit " I jumped out of the bed, but failed miserably as my legs gave out thankfully Loki caught me

"Where are you going?" Loki chuckled holding me up in bridal styles

"To clean up before they come" I groaned wiggling in his arms  but he only tightened his hold on me

"I cleaned you up after you passed out dear..... but who will come?" Loki asked confused narrowing his eye's at me and holding me protectively

"The kids Lou. The kids , they sneak around to my bed around that time when I am home.....and thanks for cleaning me up..... but I still need clothes though" I sighed relaxing in his arms as he sat back on the bed with me on his lap.

A green light glowed around my body and I was now wearing one of his large big hoodies

"Ohh..... dear? You said you aren't ready for kids..... that you want to live your youth..... yet here you are taking care of two demons ..... and an dumb teenager with even dumber boyfriend who is also teenager and oblivious to everything" Loki frowned pointing out making me giggled at his description

"Hmmmm..... you are right if you think about that way...... I hope though it won't change anything between us" I mumbled leaning against his chest not wanting to see his eye's if he actually call the whole thing off.

"I would never darling..... you are mine remember? Till forever falls apart love" Loki kissed my head while warping his arms around me tightly

"Till forever falls apart Lou....... the kids are different they are traumatised....... they faced the cruel world since younger age ..... trauma mature the person...... I didn't have to do much ...... I wish I can, but that's the most I can do without indangering them..... me and Harley kept moving around so Hydra wouldn't find about them..... I offered Harley to stay, but he wouldn't let me go alone..... the kids ..... they are special .... they are smart ..... they just needed the right education and training ...... as you saw they are observers , train hard ...... I accidently read their minds once while training..... I don't like to do that , it's invasion of privacy that they deserve..... but God Loki.... they are training hard not only to protect each other, but they also want to protect me and Harley..... I couldn't.... I could never" I sighed looking at my hands down between Loki and I.

"You did great love. You are doing great and I know you will be amazing mother for our kids" Loki assured pulling me into a soft kiss.

I smiled relaxing in the kiss.

Wait kids?

How many fucking kids does he think we will have

"As much as you want dear..... but I prefer 5 or more" Loki chuckled pulling away

"Make them 6 and you will have a hockey team" I grumbled sarcastically

"A what?" Loki frowned

"I will show you later..... and stop reading my mind it's rude" I huffed

"Only if you tell me why did I just hear another voice in your head " Loki stated making me tense up and shuffle trying to get away from him.

I shut off my mind completely and put on my poker face and sat away from him even though he tried to hold me on his lap.

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