Chapter 77

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We all went back to the mansion to relax. But not me, I went and made the kids costumes for Halloween, that is today.

They want to go trick or treat in a town near by. The others , aka the girls, went shopping. While the boys preferred to stay home to train and play video games.

I walked outside to the garden and saw Bucky trying to catch a butterfly, while Sam was sitting and watching him along with the kids.

"What language do you think in he thinks in ?" Violet mumbled looking at Bucky

"English or Russian?" Blue questioned

"Bold of you to assume that Bucky thinks" Sam snorted, but smiled a bit

We need to talk to Bucky again

I knoww

"HEY BUCKSTER!" I yelled catching the dumbass attention

"YEAH?" He yelled back

I motioned for him to follow me into the woods.

"What is it doll?" Bucky asked

"You and Sam should get toge-" I started but he cut me off

"I am don't like Sam that way Doll" Bucky sighed making me duck quickly.

"Damn, your bullshit almost hit me " I stated.

"Did you just duck?" Bucky deadpan.

"Just solve your shit together Buck ..... you won't regret it.... you deserve to be happy" I told him and left

I swear i am gonna lose my shit if he doesn't talk to him

If he doesn't talk to him we can lock them up together

Great idea!

I know I am smart

WE are smart. We are the same person did you forget that dumbass

I walked inside the house and heard the guys talking inside the kitchen

"Rose " Stephen called out.

"didn't you get a degree in psychology? Can't you check on Tony?" Stephen asked tiredly.

" of course pops" I replied.

"You aren't my child , get lost kid" Stephen replied narrowed his eye's at me

" You know I am still here" Tony stated annoyed.

"Sure pops" I snorted at Stephen, while ignoring Tony

"What does that mean?" Stephen frowned

"It means you are stuck as father figure to her till you die..... pops" Harley grinned, while Stephen scowled at him, but secretly was happy, I can see it from his eye's.

" ummmm..... let's see how deep you are.... what do we say when life disappointed us?" I asked Tony.

"Called it "Tony replied after Stephen shot him a glare.

" I mean .... you ain't wron-" I started.

" nO" Stephen yelled frustrated.

"Okay fine. You are over thinking and analysing everything around you. You have trust issues, along with daddy and mommy issues. Which caused you to have anxiety and panic attacks. And being hero and all didn't help at , but only made it worse and added PTSD to the list. But you don't show it, and hide behind your constructive criticism. You are mostly viewed as a narcissistic, and Self destructive, compulsive. You make bad choices, but that doesn't mean you are bad person you think you are. You try to prove to yourself that you aren't bad , which you aren't. I can assure you that dad. But what really gets me the most is it's clearly you have been going through alot yet everyone choose to ignore it and blame you on shit" I stated and clenched my jaw at the end, while making cup of coffee and handed it to him.

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