Chapter 44

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My eye's flattered open enough to read that it 7 49  am and shut back close.

Not a second later my eyes opened wide and I sat up quickly making Bucky groan and flip to the other side.

"Sorry" I mumbled quickly and sprang out of the room quietly taking my phone with me.

We are late for school

I know I know

I looked at my phone and saw that Harley sent me a text saying that they left without me and I better go to school .

And with that I took deep breath and stopped running and started walking towards my room slowly seeing the only reason I panicked in the first place is Peter being upset with me for getting us late to school.

I went to my room and took quick shower , before putting my clothes on.

I went to my room and took quick shower , before putting my clothes on

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I stepped out of my room and went to the kitchen.

"Good morning " I said going to the fridge taking out a red bull.

"Morning " and "Good morning " was heard around from Natasha, Steve ,Clint, and Thor .

Loki just glared.

Whatever I ain't in the mood

"Morning....... aren't you late for school?" Tony asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah I kinda over slept...... I didn't sleep that comfy in a while" I admitted ignoring Loki's intensified glare at me.

Well damn

Whatever .......after yesterday he got understand to not try act all big on me

"Anyways gotta go " I said kissing Tony's cheek.

"Bye dad . Bye guys" I waved at them before teleporting to the garage and went to my Mv Agusta f4cc bike.



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