Chapter 2

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"Awww you guys didn't forget about me" hearing me say that made them snap out of it and start shooting.

I quickly flickered my wrist and made an ice wall to protect me and the big computer behind me. I glanced behind to check if it get destroyed, which thankfully it didn't, since the whole trip here would be pointless if it did.

"Ohh come on guys ,I thought you missed me ,you guys are being rude" I said with a little pout while comings out a bit holding my arms up.

Then I made two ice knives throwing them at the closest two in the group, one in the heart the other one in the throat ,then I made three icebergs come from the ground killing the other three.

Apparently one of the three guys informed others ,cause a minute or two later at least 15 guys burst in.

I looked back checking on the flash drive only to see it's still blue.

What is taking him so fucking long ,fucking idiot.

At least we have so company to pass time with

I turned around looking at my targets.


I was doing my everyday patrol, till now I stopped four robberies, two bank shootings (which I won't tell Mr Stark about before he freaks out ), and three assaults.

The last robbery I stopped was in a shady alley near the shady part of New York that Mr Stark made me promise him not to go there seeing it might be dangerous for me.

Of course I got annoyed with that ,but I don't want to anger Mr Stark . He would take my suite back ....AGAIN

So I was leaving the alley and go back to the main streets . Well I WAS until I heard nearby shooting and my spider sense alert me.....okay okay my PeTeR tInGlE alert me.

Deciding to investigate (which is most likely a bad idea......VERY bad idea ) . I swing through the buildings till I stopped infront a huge shady abundant building.....

As abandoned as it could be with screams and shooting heard from inside. And there was multiple vehicles infront the building. I took deep breath and climbed on the wall to the ceiling and went in.

The building is like outside dusty and there was boxes everywhere. I went to the room where the screams and gun shoots can be heard.

My Peter tingle increased when I entered the room. I saw multiple men with guns they were all wearing the same symbol. Hydra. They were all shooting at someone hiding behind an ice wall?!

I gasped, which was very bad idea seeing I drew attention to me . I quickly shoot my webs disarming two guys and then jumped quickly behind the ice wall before I get shot.

That wasn't good idea either. Seeing the person geld a gun in my face white having an ice knife in the other ?!

"Are you with them?" the person, well girl, asked snapping me out of daze.

" I am not with them , didn't you see me disarming two of these guys?" I said ,she glanced at me up and down ,before nodding.

"Don't get in my way" she said shortly before shooting sine guys with the gun.

"I am spider man by the way" I said getting out and webbing some of the guys on the wall.

She glared at me then something flickered in her eyes.

"Rose " she said shooting one of the men and rolled her eyes when she saw my confused face.

"My name is Rose " she said annoyed

I grinned at that, but soon returned confused seeing she kept throwing ice knives.


I will ask her later, after whipping the last guy to the wall and disarming him . I notice that most of them were dead, not just unconscious, they either had a bullet in head or heart , some had bullet in both head and heart.

"Why did you kill them? We could have handed them to shields" I said turning to face her.

She was standing near the huge screen , she took out a glowing red flash drive.

"It's kill or get killed . And I am not in the mood to meet Satan today" she said walking towards me and standing infront of me.

I was about to object, when my Peter tingle came and I saw one of the men I webbed aiming the gun at her back.

I quickly pushed her out of the way. Which ended with me with a bullet in the abdomen. She looked shocked then turned angry and fire came out from her hand burning the man?!

"H-how did you do that?" I asked confused.

"I will explain later , now stop talking..... you are wasting energy" she said her voice became softer at the end when she saw me clutching my now bloody abdomen.

She then came beside me and put an arm under my shoulder . I tried to protest saying that I was okay ,and that I don't need help, but that only ended with me blacking out and her dragging me out of the building . The last thought I had was.

Mr Stark is gonna kill me

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