Chapter 66

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We arrived to the tower and I quickly jumped out of the backseat of car along with Loki who is chasing after me worriedly

"Dear slow down" Loki frowned as I ran to the elevator and pressed on the button repeatedly

"I need to see how I look........ I mean I am literally dragging your hoodie on the ground" I grumbled getting inside the elevator and looking at the mirror of the elevator and frowned

I look like before long black dead hair, cause of how my father used to treat me. I lift the hoodie up an instead of Loki's hickeys I saw the scars and my bones are disgustingly popping.

This way horrible than I remember

I want to kill that motherfucker again

"Rose.....?" Harley stated broken and with wide eye's at my image.

"Is that..... is that how you looked back then ?" Loki asked darkly trying to contain his anger, while Peter was looking at me with tears in his eye's.

"Yeah...... but forget about it guys that ain't gonna happen again...... I should have transformed to the age 4 or 5 when mom was alive" I muttured at the end

Peter then fell on his knees and engulfed me in a hug.

"You are never gonna go through that again Rose" Peter cried holding me tighter.

"Thanks Pete ..... but you kinda crushing me" I patted his head.

Harley pulled him away.

"How long did you say I am gonna stay like that?" I asked looking up at Loki annoyed that they are all way taller than me.

For fucks sake it's like looking up the ceiling

Fucking garifies

"Sine you went out and used already much of your magic I think till like tomorrow night, dove" Loki informed me

"Fucking kill me ...... well at least no school " I grumbled

The door opened and I stepped out of the elevator. Everyone looked at the boys and frowned confused trying to see, where I am before looking down and seeing me and their frown deepened.

"The fuck you are looking at bitches?" I grumbled

"Language kid" Steve scolded

"Guys this isn't an orphanage " Sam informed

"Where's Rose?" Wanda asked still looking for me

"And what's with the brat?" Tony asked

Bucky looked at me with wide eye's  before walking up to me and held me up by the hoodie and put me on his metal arm and eyed me.

"Who are you?" Stephen asked confused

"I am Rose Winter. I am six years old. And I do drugs , steal , fight, kill, torture, and I like to slap squirrels when I see them in the trees " I said smiling at Bucky before slapping him and quickly jumping of his hold.

"YOU ARE WHO?" Everyone yelled at me shocked

"Rose Winter idiots " I rolled my at them while Loki and the other two chuckle and go to sit down.

"I mean she does have the same attitude" Wanda shrugged

"She does look the same...... just younger" Bruce stated

"Did you find the fountain of youth or what?" Sam snorted

"More like time travel" Tony said deep in thought

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