Chapter 25

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I groaned sitting straight, only to feel someone push back down.

I struggled a bit then pushed away however trying to hold me down, giggling a bit at the pain that shot in different parts of my body.

"let her sit" i heard soneone say chuckling.

"but she is injured, she should lay down and rest. She shouldn't even be up. She passed out for only 2 hours "the second voice said concerned.

"yeah, good luck with that. I recommend you back away before she do something that would probably hurt you and her...... I am talking from experience" the first voice, that i now recognize as Harley, said.

"can you shut up? Your voice is giving me a headache" i grumbled massaging my head.

Then everything hit me at once.

What i had been doing the past few days.

Where i was. And how i came back. The chat with Tony. Everyone shocked seeing me. And..... Loki


I put my head in my hands.

Ohh god what have i done

Why do i even care so much?

I should go find him

I groaned and started going of the bed. Only to hear yells in protest.

I stumbled a bit and someone grabbed my arm steadying me. I looked up and saw Bruce looking at me concerned.

"thanks" i said, then looked around to find Natasha, Peter, Harley, and Bucky.

"hili" i said sheepishly

"wait, why does Bucky have his head patched up?" i added when i realize he was sitting on the bed next to me.

"i.... Ummmm.... I am the responsible for that....... Sorry again Bucky" Bruce said shuffling nervously, and looking away.

"don't worry about it, but is till don't get it, what happened that made you and Romanoff angry? One minute you went to the lab with Rose to take care of her wounds, the next you go out as hulk smashing things, and Romanoff was in foul mood after she cleaned her wounds" Bucky said wondering.

Natasha and Bruce shared a look, and then looked at me. They both tensed up, tho Bruce more

"is it the right right time to ask her about the scars all over her body?" Bruce thought not knowing what to do.


I looked down at my clothes, and saw that i was changed into brown sweatpants and brown hoodie.

I looked down at my clothes, and saw that i was changed into brown sweatpants and brown hoodie

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My illusion...... It's gone

Yeah you stupid hoe, you exhaust yourself till you passed out making the illusion thay was suppose to hide your scars disappear.

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