Chapter 55

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I woke up next day cuddling to Loki staring at me while I was sleeping.

This is bad

Why does he even do that?

No clue

I faked a yawn and open my eye's

"Good morning love" Loki said softly

"Morning Lou" I replied pecking his lips before jumping out of the bed and to the bathroom

I took a quick refreshing shower and left the bathroom Loki was as always reading.

"You know darling that wasn't a proper kiss " Loki informed not looking up to give me privacy to wear my clothes .

"Ohh don't be a baby " I rolled my eye's playfully but it was clear that I was smiling.

"I am not ........ I am just asking for my rights as your boyfriend " Loki stated

I rolled my eyes before giggling and walking to him and sitting on his lap and smashed our lips together

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I rolled my eyes before giggling and walking to him and sitting on his lap and smashed our lips together.

He cupped my cheek and his other hand went to my waist pulling me closer.

I will never get bored of this

I pulled away, but he tried to pull me back in making me giggle and stand up.

"Come on Lou. We need to eat and get over with those medical tests" I informed him grinning.

"Are you okay dear?" Loki frowned putting his hand on my forehead.

I held his hand and pulled it away and interlocking our fingers.

"Yeah, I am okay.....why?" I asked confused tilting my head a bit to the right.

"You said you want to eat on your own" Loki grinned

"I do eat on my own" I narrowed my eyes at him dropping his hand and crossing my hands

"Do you now?" Loki raised an eyebrow

"I do " I huffed and left the room.

I heard him laughing and following me. I didn't acknowledge him and continued walking until he interlocked our fingers.

I glared playfully at him while he grinned. I rolled my eye's at him and hitted his shoulder with mine , he just chuckled at me and hit my shoulder back.

We entered the kitchen and both of us have stupid smiling out faces.

"Good morning " I said happily and Loki chuckled pulling the chair for me to sit on.

"Thanks Lou" I told him

"Anytime darling " Loki smiled at me sitting next to me

"Something isn't right " Tony said looking at us

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