Chapter 17

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After a while i was finally able to slip through everyone and go to the bathroom.

I entered the bathroom and quickly locked the door. I put my back on the door and slide till i was on the floor.

For fucks sake that was harder than i thought

I pulled myself back up and walk to the sink. I saw blood dripping down my nose.

Not now

I sighed in frustration and presumed to wash the blood away fron my face.

I am shocked that no one asked anything after i finished..... Especially since i didn't go much in details

I sighed and finally the blood stopped flowing from my nose. I looked down my shirt and saw that it's still clean.

Thanks god

I sighed, unlocking the door and stepping out of the bathroom only to be met with Tony leaning against the wall  near the bathroom door with a glass in his hand.

"what are you doing here?" i asked glaring at him a bit.

"i came to make sure you didn't pass out" he said sipping on his drink "you literally drank a bottle of one of the strongest alcohol in tbe world"

I raised an eyebrow "i told you i can hardly get drunk, it would take at least 8 another bottles" i said chuckling at his belwired expression

"now the truth..... please?, you all saw me and talked to me after i finished the bottle" I said crossing my arms

"i really came to check on you..... But not for the drinking thing..... For fucks sake, i don't know how to deal with this shit" he said muttering at the end

" i saw how your eyes were, we all did, it was cold, and broken.... That's why no one asked anything, they don't want to push you to tell them more, in the end we all have trauma and we understand ..... You just told us about the trauma, trying to brush it off like it doesn't matter..... I do that, i just want you to know that you ain't alone, and that you are strong you can overcome it, i know that you can"he said.

We stayed in silence in few seconds he rubbed his head and muttered "i am seriously bad at this, why didn't i send Ca-"i cut him off by a hug and said "thank you"

He stood there awkwardly and patted my head not knowing what to do.

I pulled away chuckling at that.

In the past i was like that

"let's go, the shawarma should be here in any minute " he said walking away downing the rest of his drink.

I followed behind with smile on my face.

"there you are, where did you go?" Harley said jumping infront of me the second i stepped in the living room.

"nose" i said, he winced and said "why didn't you tell me i would came with you"

"i needed a moment alone, plus i saw you and the little spider flirting and getting all cozy" i said teasingly at the end, he blushed.

"w-we weren't flirting" he said blushing more

"but you and Loki at the other hand..." he wiggled his eyebrows.

"we are- there's nothing like that" i said.

What? it is true.... Just cause he prevented me from falling and call me darling doesn't mean shit

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