Chapter 67

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Rose was running around smashing things and annoying everyone, which was amusing to see.

Now she was sitting next to Tony poking him repeatedly and asking dumb questions.

"Okay that's it time to sleep" Tony announced standing up and holding Rose.

"But daddd it's still 9 pm" Rose whinned

"You will can come back, when you can come back" Tony said making Rose huff

She then wriggled out of his hold and ran around again.

She started climbing over things and throwing things at everyone, while I just sat on the couch amused watching them running after her.

She somehow manged to be on top of the chandelier.

"Doll be careful" Bucky yelled looking up

"I don't know if that chandelier is made to take someone's weight" Bruce stated concerned

"Roro weights nothing" Peter said, while climbing up on the wall

"Yeah don't worry big guy the chandelier won't fall" Harley assured watching Pter sticking on the wall.

"It's not that " Clint shook his head.

"You want that little demon to not jump" Sam grumbled holding his hands open to catch Rose if she did jump

"Is the knife necessary?" Wanda frowned as Rose kept throwing the ice knife up in the air and catching it.

"Children are disaster" Vision stated

"How did she even get there?" Tony asked panicked.

"Probably teleported " Steve replied looking at Rose

"That's why I don't want kids" Stephen mumbled

"Uhh brother....." Thor nudged me

Suddenly Rose started swaying and the knife fell down almost stabbing Pietro's foot who shrieked and ran away.

"Rose come down now" Natasha ordered

"Whyyyy?" Rose whinned

"Dove listen to Romanoff and come down please" I told her seeing as she was swaying more from tiredness.

"Just cause you asked politely...... catch me" Rose huffed, before jumping off the chandelier.

I quickly stood up and jumped catching Rose in the mid of the air, before she fall on the ground.

"Stupid girl" I sighed looking at her, but she just giggled.

"Thanks Lou" Rose said patting my cheek with her small hand

"I need a drink" A paled Tony announced.

"And she is going to her room" Steve pointed out.

"But I don't want toooooo" Rose whined and jumped from my arms, but Steve quickly caught her and started walking to her room.

"Uhhh .... should we follow just in case she doesn't murder Steve?"Bucky asked

"She won't really kill Steve.....Right?" Sam questioned

The room fell silent

"She definitely would" Harley informed walking where the other two disappeared

"Yeah we should go check on them" Tony agreed

"Plus it would be such a shame to cut the show when it just got interesting " Pietro said with mouth full of popcorn.

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