Chapter 19

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I know i said she did good, but to be honest she did amazing. She is fast learner in the matter of few hours she have been able to shape her fire to a bird, and even held it for few seconds.

Which is shocking cause normally that would take months even years. I looked down at her face.

We are currently in the elevator and i am holding her in bridal style, she weights nothing, I frown at that.

She needs to eat more, i am 99 percent sure that her weight isn't healthy.

My frown deepened when I remembered what she did trying to unlock her elements.

That was stupid she could have easily died cause of it.

As if she sensed my troubled thoughts she snuggled more in my chest and hummed, i chuckled at that.

She indeed a look like little kitten.

The elevator opened and i stepped out of it with her still in my arms. I looked around and saw that the others came back.

Peter wasn't here anymore, probably went to sleep seeing he have school tomorrow and it's already past midnight.

But Harley.

Harley once he heard the elevator he looked at it, once he saw me holding Rose in my arms he jumped and walked toward us.

"is she okay? What happened?" he asked concerned, which gained the others attention and the room became silent.

"yeah, she just fell asleep, she had long day" i said chuckling at the end, and looking down at her.

He nodded and proceeded to take her from my arms. At first her arns around my neck tightened, but then she losen it and Harley took her in his arms, curling there. Making me already miss her warmth.

"thanks for taking care of her" he uttered, then turned around and said quick "good night" and then left with Rose in his arms.

"So brother, you clearly fancy lady Rose, why don't you ask her to court you?" Thor said, now standing beside me patting my back.

"i don't fancy her" i grunted

"and how did that stupid idea occur to you?" i added

"i don't know maybe the face you had when the boy took her from your arms, or the fact the you stood glaring at corridor where they went for the last 5 minutes, or the simple fact that you acknowledge her and even trained, it took you 5 months to acknowledge anyone in the tower" he said sipping on his drink and then walked away

I looked at him in annoyance.

I should have let Rose turn him into ice cube.

But...... As much as i wanna deny it...... He got a point.

I sighed, and start walking towards the elevator.

"where are you going?" Stark asked

"non of your business" i sneered and left the tower.


I woke up in my room and saw that i am only wearing my underwear.

Well that means Harley undressed me seeing he is the only one who knows i sleep comfortably like that.

I look at the clock and saw its 4:30am. I sighed and put one of Harley's hoodies that i stole and put in my room.

I stepped out of my room, the corridor is dark and dead silent.

I shrugged

Of course it would be dead silent only your weird ass would be up at that time.

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