Chapter 62

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It was friday night and we have finished our tests.

I walked into the living room singing

"I failed my math test today ayeee" I sang jumping on Loki

"RIP my grades ayeee" Peter sang along sitting down on the couch

"So that's what you kids wanted to tell me?" Tony raised an eyebrow

"RIP my life ayeee" Harley finished singing ignoring Tony, while laying down on the couch and putting his head on Peter's lap while Luna, the puppy, came and layed down on Harley's chest

"So I get that tests are done? " Bucky chuckled

"Yup " Peter said happily

"Thank god" Harley grumbled

"I am shocked I didn't stab the teacher or someone while doing my math exam" I stated while relaxing in Loki's arms

"I am shocked that you sat there the whole time or even showed up" Harley pointed out

"What do you mean?" Bruce asked

"She either not show up to the math tests or would look at the paper and solve everything she knows and then leave ..... which usually is only 5 minutes"  Harley chuckled

"Well we finally found something she isn't good at" Clint shrugged

"It's kinda weird..... she is almost good at everything " Pietro stated

"Fighter, check. Great assassin, check. Beautiful,  check. Smart , check. Great voice, knows multiple languages, plays multiple instruments, successful young business billionaire teenager, psychology degree, great cook , check check check check check " Natasha counted shaking her smiling

"And who knows what else she is good at" Bucky chuckled

"Yeah right? "Wanda agreed smiling

"It's kinda annoying to be honest" Sam admitted

"She's almost like Cap now ..... perfectionist "  Vision pointed out

"I don't know if it's raw talent or just luck" Stephen added

Loki felt me shift uncomfortably and held tighter while frowning and Steve looked down not saying anything

"You make her seem like she is perfect or some type of a goddess" Harley grumbled sitting up

"She is a goddess" Loki mumbled lowly making me raise an eyebrow at him.

"Come kid you know they are right" Tony said

"It's not like tha-" Harley started

"Harls's okay" I sent him a small smile

"But Ro-" Harley tried to object

"Forget about it.........anyways I am going to make food" I smiled standing

Loki held my hand and pulled me back down on his lap

"You midgradians are judging and stupid ........ Rose works hard to get what she wants, to be what she wants" Loki started

"You don't see, her but when she starts something she works days without sleeping to make it don't understand how about the pressure ..... how much they pressure her ....what they say-" Harley snapped.

"HARLEY" I yelled standing up

"Enough" I told him feeling ice started to form at my foot

Harley shut up and quickly stood up realising he said much

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