Chapter 72

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I decided to step outside the gym and to the backyard so I won't destroy the mansion. They were still inside the gym though while I was couple feet away.

As I walking away and saw that the distance seem safe I let my hair turn to fire and made the fire phoenix, then I made a tornado that reach the second floor.

Not much but will do..... for now

Yeah we still need to train more

"I didn't know she can do that " Bucky mumbled amazed

"There's alot you don't know" Loki who saw a bit of my training chuckled and looked ta me proud

I then took deep breath and felt the ground around me shuffling and when I opened my eye's again the whole back yard was covered with thick branches and multiple white glowing flowers.


I looked around happily a bit drained and confused

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I looked around happily a bit drained and confused.

Why are we drained?

Why are the flowers glowing?

No clue

It never happened before

"Woah mommy" Violet said in awe


The others agreed looking around smiling though Stephen and Loki eyed the flowers suspiciously.

Just when they were about to step closer a bee came and settled on on of the flowers making it explode which made the other flowers start exploding too.

I looked with wide eye's and quickly made an ice wall between everyone and the flowers in process making them trapped in side the house.

I know that Loki have the shield on, but I didn't want to take any chances of any of them getting hurt.

I then used my magic to make an ice bubble around the back yard so it won't disturb the animals in the forest near by  or make whatever black glowing dots go outside and harm anyone if it's harmful.

I heard yelling outside, but I dropped on my back panting loudly feeling drained as fuck.

After 5 minutes the black dots disappeared, but I felt bit sleepy though.

I stood back up sighing and walk towards where everyone was banging on the ice from outside and took deep breath before punching the ice making it crack around.

"Lady Rose!" I heard Thor yell before the hammer break through the ice inches away from my face making me giggle and look at it with wide eye's.

Thor manged to break a hole for me to get out from.

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