Chapter 61

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"Okay you guys got everything?" I asked them, since we decided to show each other what we got when we are back at the tower.

"Yes " they both replied

"Where's your pet Roro?" Peter frowned while Harley eyed me wearily

"You will see later...let's go" I said and went to the car and drove us to the tower.

Once we arrived both Peter and Harley set their boxes that contain their pets and what they need for them in it on the floor while I stood beside them.

"So what did you get kids?" Tony asked us, while Loki looked at my bare hands frowning

"I will start" Harley grinned before opening his box and pulling out a jumping spider type on his palm and showing it to us proudly.


"Aww he is sooo cute

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"Aww he is sooo cute....even though  I am a bit afraid of spiders ....Don't judge me"  Peter admitted

"He looks like snow flake" I said in awe

"I know it reminded of you two ......I named him Frosty" Harley explained grinning

"BITCH WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" Sam yelled standing up on the couch

"SPIDER " Pietro shrieked like little girl

"It's a type of spiders .....its called jumping spider"  Harley stated frowning a bit before rolling his eyes

"WHAT THE FUCK" Clint jumped next to Sam

"It jumps?" Tony looked at Frosty horrified and Wanda shuffled closer to Vision while galring at the spider the others looked at it bordely

"That's interesting " Bruce said eyeing the spider making Harley galre at him and pull Frosty closer.

"I am sure when Tony said that you can get a pet he didn't mean to get a spider" Stephen pointed out raising an eyebrow

"Well I don't care what the old man says if he doesn't allow it, my legal guard do .... right Ro?" Harley asked turning to me grinning

"Of course Harls. Frosty is now part of the family" I grinned at him

"Peter what did you get?" Steve asked sighing

Peter grinned and opened his box pulling out a dog a Herding type up with both both hands

Peter grinned and opened his box pulling out a dog a Herding type up with both both hands     

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