Chapter 36

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After the movie ended me ,Peter ,and Harley went to my room for the 'initiation '.

Peter is gonna have panick attack if he stay like that.

I looked at fidgeting and zoned out sweating Peter behind me , and nudged Harley pointing at Peter.

He was always better than us with the whole comfort thing

"Pete deep breath, don't worry it ain't something big ,Ro is just being dramatic ass again. You will do great, I know that. Just think of it as little game" Harley assured Peter and held his hand in comfort.

"It's easier than you think Spider" I said comforting him.

" But w-what if I don't......Will you guys leave me ?" Peter fidget looking down.

"Never " Harley growled pulling Peter closer making them both blush a bit.

" you are gonna breeze through be honest you would have made it to the family in way or another ....I just took the short cut by adopting you" I said smirking a bit.

"What ?" Peter asked confused

"Uh oh ......I don't like the look you have on your face" Harley said narrowing his eyes at me suspiciously.

"I few years you would have entered the family as my brother in law" I smirked opening the door of my room.

They both froze blushing deep red, before quickly pull their hands away from each other.

"You idiot bitch you can't say shit like that" Harley said hitting the back of my head.

Peter entered silently after us and closed the door.

"Okay let's start" I said handing Harley five knives and walking towards the wall.

Harley perfectly hit the knives inches way from my face.

"You got better Harls" I admitted


"But he didn't....your turn."i told Peter while pulling the knives off the wall and handing it to him and walking back to the wall.

" But Ros- " Peter tried to protest

" You can do it. Deep breath Spider and focus" I told him.

He nodded and raised the knives hesitantly with shaky hands, but then he closed his eyes taking deep breath and opened his eyes and threw the knives.

"Good job Spider" I smiled at him.

"See you were panicking for nothing" Harley encouraged him.

We did the same with Harley though Peter was way more hesitant to throw the knife at Harley, and the same thing goes with Harley throwing the knife at Peter.

"See it was easy " I said hugging Peter.

"I told you Ro is just being dramatic " Harley said ruffling his hair

"Yeah ,you are right,it was nothing..... it was just a trust test" Peter realized

"Yup... it's to see that we could never hurt each other .and that we can trust each other with our lives" I explained

"Mmmmm is that so.......I want to help you and Harley with the mission you are doing this Saturday " Peter demand

" I didn't mean to earsdrop...but you guys weren't really quite about it were whispering the whole day when I was around you guys ...did you forget I have super hearing ?" Peter questioned

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