Chapter 18

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After i dragged Loki to the elevator, i turned around to press a button, but stopped after seeing alot of buttons.

So i turned back to Loki with a sheepishly smile plastered on my face. He chuckled and went to press a button.

The elevator started going down, with some random music in the background.

Neither of us talked, and i didn't find the need to break the silence it was oddly...... Comforting.

We would glance at each other every now and then. He opened his mouth about to say something when the elevator dinged indicating that we arrived to our destination.

We stepped out of the elevator. And i looked around in amazement.

It's soooo big

That's what she said

Not now you stupid hoe

You do know that we are the same person right? Therefore you are calling yourself stupid

Smartass bitch

Why thank you

Just shut up before i decide to give you a brain freeze by eating 8 slushies

Woah calm down jamal you don't wanna take a step to that side

I wil-

"i know it's big, Stark made this entire floor for training seeing these morons tend to go barbaric while training" Loki said chuckling at my shocked face.

"now, shall we start darling?" he proposed, walking to the center of the room.


I fell down in exhaustion Loki asked me to maintain and manipulate my fire for the past 4 hours after seeing the it's the second most element i am connected with.

I can now conjure fire quicker ,and make a bird out of fire even tho it was small and vanished after 7 seconds.

"Here" loki said shoving a water bottle in my face.

"you good for our first training session" he added

"thanks" i responded and quickly made he water colder then opened the bottle and drank from it.

I almost moaned at the sweet cold water.

"you said you unlocked your fire element but yet you seem more of the water element and you favorite it, how is that?" he asked cautionsly looking at the now empty bottle.

"Don't get me wrong i love my fire power, but i prefer cold, always have since i was young, and the Hydra thing didn't help me grow my love for fire." i responded

"and plus i worked on my water element more than fire element, i had to go through few things to unlock the water element, while the fire element i just got angry, and snapped i trained with it for a while to tame it, but it's mostly there when i am angry. "i added

"few things as? "he questioned

"you ain't gonna really like that "i winced, not really looking forward the scolding.

He raised and eyebrow and said "figured out, but i still need to know"

I sighed "welllll......... I tied a 200kg dumbles to my legs and throwed them in the pool which made me get dragged along the dumbles" i confessed looking away at the floor.

"What the fuck were you even thinking? What if it didn't work? You could have died" he growled.

"i had figured that i need to become one with the water for it to work! i used to go swimming with Harley, and the more i stayed underwater the more i felt connected with my powers. So i figured it would be the best way to do it, i obviously didn't tell Harely tho he would have stopped me, and do you really take me as the type to care if they live or die? "i said nonchalantly while standing up.

He opened his mouth and closed it few times before sighing "there's always another way without you putting your life on risk" he inquired

"you just need to use that brain of yours instead of letting it hang around like vase...... The boy cares if you live or die... You are his family..... And you have us now" he added at the end.

I was shocked i didn't really expect that, my mind went blank so did my face.

" So you did unlock the freezing powers by also risking your life" he concluded.

I nodded and smiled sheepishly "yeah, we were stay at a storage meat warehouse at the time, Harley went out to get groceries, i took the chance and turned the coolers on the lowest degree there, and ate some ice cubes in a few minutes i went blank and blast everything around me with ice, and you know Harley came back saw me on the ground and bla bla bla bla "i admitted

He just growled and glared at me, then turned around take few steps away then stopped and took deep breath.

Woah what was that?

No idea sis but that was hot

I agree but wrong timing

"let's warp it up, you see that apple in my hand" he said holding the green shinny delicious apple up in his left hand, with his back still face me.

He then turned around" you have to teleport it from my hand to yours" he declared

After few attempts seeing i am already drained with everything that happened today, i was on the brick of passing out.

"what? Giving up already .aww i expected more from you" he said mockingly when he saw my tired face.

That bitch

I took deep breath, closing my eyes, and concentrated, i tried to think of the apples texture, taste, and smell.

Few seconds later i feel cold little around thing wrapped around my hand. I opened my eyes and looked down at my hands and saw the green apple.

I looked at Loki who had shocked, l amused, and proud face.

I then jumped and yelled "I DID IT"

My happiness was soon consumed by tiredness and i closed my eyes ready to hit the floor but was caught by someone.

The last thing i heard was "you indeed did it kitten"

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