Chapter 79

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I didn't really break down after we left. I just bite my lip hard that it bleed and a tear rolled down my eye, making Loki frown and put me on his lap.

He gently pulled my lip out of my teeth and raised his hand healing it, then pecked my lips when he finished making me smile at him a bit.

Harley glanced at me and through the rear mirror while driving.

"It's okay Ro. We will see them again soon" Harley assured, but i can hear that he is also upset.

Peter frown and put a hand on Harley's hand, the one he isn't using while driving, and drew small comforting circles on it, making Harley smile and glance at Peter in appreciation which Peter gladly returned

"But Harley..... you kno-" I started lowly.

"No. You shut the fuck up. ты собираешься сделать это Роза. Так что заткнись." Harley snapped and glared at me through the mirror.

{Translation:you are going to make it Rose. So shut the fuck up.}

The car went silent and in shock at Harley's outburst. Though, Loki narrowed his eye's at Harley, while holding me tighter.

"What does he mean?" Loki growled sending a glare Harley's direction before looking at me.

"Egor. The mission. Nothing important " I brushed it off .

Loki looked at me before nodding a bit.

"I am gonna help you with that love. I am not letting you face any of the that alone" Loki promised pulling a strand of hair out of my face and behind my ear.

"We all are gonna help you" Peter agreed

"Of course we are gonna help that dumb bitch. She would probably get herself killed by bleeding out" Harley scoffed

I smile softly and looked at Harley through the mirror and saw him shake his head slightly in a 'no' sign making me sigh.

"Thanks guys. Thanks Lou" I told them before pulling myself off Loki's lap.

You dumb bitch now you have put them in danger and in harms way

Fuck, I know. But what else am I supposed to say?

I don't know but whatever happens they can't get in harms way

I groaned at my thoughts and teleported a pack of cigarette to my hand. I flipped the pack upside down and started to hit the pack on my hand .

"No smoking. sai che Pete è sensibile" Harley stated firmly making me scowl

{Translation:you know Pete is sensitive }

"Ehh.... I don't have clue what he said , but I am pretty sure he said my name........" Peter pointed out

"Don't worry about it little spider. It's nothing " Harley assured.

"Love, relax they will be okay. And you will see them soon" Loki reassured

"I know. I will get over it I will just be dramatic first" I replied sighing and opened the window before proping myself on it only to be pulled back.

"What are you doing?" Loki asked alert and concerned while holding my ankle firmly, stopping me from going out any further.

"I will smoke a cigarette on the car's roof .....don't worry I have done it alot before" I assured Loki.

He looked at me as if he is trying to see if I am lying,which I am not.

"Once you finsih it you get back in " Loki demanded

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