Chapter 53

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I woke up at 4 48 am and saw that Loki isn't here so I shrugged and decided to go for a run.


I went to the kitchen and pulled red bull and left to the elevator

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I went to the kitchen and pulled red bull and left to the elevator. I stopped and groaned when I saw Steve and Sam there.

"ради ебли " I groaned

{Translation:for fucks sake}

"Good morning to you too, are you joining us for the run?" Steve asked

"Yeah whatever" I grumbled

"Somebody is cranky" Sam said raising an eyebrow

"Somebody needs to shut up" I galred at him

"Okay behave both of you" Steve said.

I rolled my eye's and stayed silent leaning against the elevator.

"Are those......?" Steve said looking at my neck and chest

"Hickies?...... damn someone got wild last night " Sam grinned while Steve looked disgusted and disturbed by the idea.

"Yeah, got a problem ?" I raised my eyebrows daring them to say someone so I would have a reason to stab them.

They shook their heads while I looked at them annoyed

We went to the the park were we ran in last time.

And just like last time Steve would run past me and Sam and say "on your left" cockly

"You know what ? Fuck you I am not dealing with that shit again" I grumbled as Steve ran past us again.

I kneel to the ground and put both my off my fingertips on the ground

"Hey what are you do-" Sam stopped as the ground behind Steve started to crack and then he fell in a deep hole.

I grinned standing up and jogged towards him.

"On your left" I smirked passing him while he was groaning

"You okay down there?" I yelled smirking

"Yeah yeah ..... I deserve it don't I?" Steve asked shaking his head

"Yes you do" I smirked

"You are crazy " Sam looked at me

"I know..... anyways I need to get ready for school ....byeee" I said jogging g back to the tower.

I went to my room and saw Loki leaning against the headboard reading the same book.

"Good morning Lou" I said smiling at a bit

"Morning love" Loki said kissing me.

Last night he had a bit of fun, but didn't go any further just the usual missing around shit.

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