Chapter 23

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I went to my room and Peter followed me closing the door after he entered. I sat on the bed while he stood there not knowing what to do or where to start.

"just ask" i sighed after few minutes.

"ask what?" he acted dumb.

"i can see it on your face" i pointed out.

He stood silent for few seconds.

"okay, what was that? First i feel like he did more than torturing and manipulating her, but i don't know.  Second you gave her a list of some dangerous people and there location, and let her go alone, and you are calm about that? I mean i can sense a bit of nervousness there but that's it, what if something happened to her? What if she got hurt? And what was the whole 'always and forever' thing? And what about' you know the rules '? I don't understand "he blurted

"you do have alot of questions "i chuckled at his cute ramble.

"you really want to know? 'i asked him raising his my eyebrow.

He nodded about to say something when Loki barged in.

"i also want to know "he interjected

"and why is that? "i asked him.

I really wouldn't mind telling him i just wanna tease him.

..... And it's not like i am going to tell them anything serious

"why does it matter? You were about to tell spiderling" he avoided the question.

"Ro adopted Peter in her weird creepy way when she helped him back at the warehouse, so he unofficially part of our family, so he have the right to ask and get the answer" i said nonchalantly

I now understand why Ro likes to tease people..... This is so fun

He hesitate for a bit.

"as her magic teacher, monitor and......friend. I would like to know" he said composing himself.

Tony then came in.

"And i as your....... I don't even know cut the crap kid and answer the questions Peter asked" he said flustered

"very well then" i started

"about the bastard doing more than torturing, it's not exactly my place to say anything so you have to ask her when she comes back. I gave her the list cause she is gonna blow and hurt someone innocent if she doesn't blow some steam, especially with her knowing that the bastard is alive, so it's a win-win situation she would relax a bit, and get revenge and get information about his whereabouts. It's not the first time she goes like that, and i trust her, and her abilities in coming back alive, which should you guys also do she would be pissed if you don't, and that's our rules. Always and forever is when she goes MIA we had it back after six months of knowing each other i would always get worried and pissed off thinking she left me it created problems, and since we both have abondante issues, and trust issues we came up with this"i explained.

They looked deep in thought.

"that doesn't help i need to find her, where's the list you made?" Tony asked

"i only made one, and it will take you time to write their names, and where they are, there's like almost 200 names, and i don't know in which order she will get them" i said

He groaned and left, Loki left quickly too, glaring at me.

After a while Peter closed the door and turn around.

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