Chapter 4

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After a nice long cold shower, which lasted 35 minutes or longer. I took one of Harley's long big hoodies they fell to my mid thighs, and put on some shorts .

I entered the room to see Harley putting the spider on the couch to rest.

Harley was now sitting on the wooden chair eating mac and cheese while watching some tiktoks.

"Not only are you eating mac and cheese without me, but you are also watching tiktoks without me too......The betrayal" I said in dramatic voice and putting my head as I am going to faint from the shock.

"Stop being drama queen you bitch. You should be happy that I saved you some" he chuckled

He gave me the plate next to him . Then I heard groan coming from the spider.

He was awake now , and looked in pain.

No shit sherlock he was shot in the abdomen

I know bitch I am just shocked on how he woke up quickly

He looked like he head been awake for few minutes or so.

His eyes snapped to us when he said that we are looking at him , his eyes stayed on Harley more tho......Well both of them were gazing at each ther to be honest.

I cleared my throat and they both snapped out of it and became a tomato.


He coughed a bit and then tried to sit properly on the couch. Well key word TRIED.

He ended groaning in pain.

"Hey hey take it slow little spider" Harley said trying to help him sit properly.

The spider eyes became wide and said " w-what do you mean?" Trying to act confused.

"Drop the dumb act, we both know that you are Spiderman , we had to take off your suite to fix your bullet wound" I said in a cold tone, but became softer at the end.

He sighed , then his eye's snapped to his body looking at his clothes , well Harley's clothes, they are bit bigger on him.

He looked at me and said " you changed my clothes?!" Well more like shrieked.

"Nope" I said popping the 'p' ," Harley did " gesturing to Harley with my head.

They both blushed and looked down.

Cute......but disgusting

"Anyways " I said ,his head snapped to my direction again "why did you take the shot for me?" I said with no emotion

"I-i don't know to be honest, i just did want you to get shot " he suttured at first and looked down.

I read his mind " I didn't want to repeat what happened before.....I can't see another uncle Ben getting shot infront of me and do nothing.....I can't live with that"

We stayed in silence for few minutes, Harley knew I read Spiders mind.

"Thank you for saving my life spider" I said .

I started walking towards the mini kitchen .

"Peter" he said "My name is Peter Parker"

I smiled bit and said "Rose Winter" and continued my way to the kitchen .

I came back few minutes later with 2 plates of mac and cheese.

Harley was now sitting on the couch next to Peter talking about Star Wars. I handed Peter a plate and sat on the floor infront of them.

"Geezzz another Harley, the potato over here never stop talking about Star Wars " I told Peter while eating.

"Oh shut you hoe , at least I am not obsessed with British people who constantly tell the main character to not do something and that stupid bitch do exactly what he was to not to " he said in mocking tone " and let's not forget about your dear draco "

" Wait are you talking about Harry Potter?" Peter asked looking at Harley then at me .

I nodded and continued eating my mac and cheese.

"I love Harry Potter! But I am obsessed with Star Wars " he said.

"HA STAR WARS SUPREME BABY" Harley said well more like screamed , while doing his little victory dance.

"For fucks sake Harls we can hear you perfectly fine no need to yell " I grumbled.

He stuck his tongue at me and continued eating . Peter just chuckled at our childish behaviour .

"So Spider in what house are you in?" I asked.

"I would like to think that I am gryffindor, but according to Harry Potter quiz I am hufflpuff " he said

" well you are brave like gryffindor but you are definitely a hufflpuff . I am slythrin" I said

"And I am ravenclaw, I thought I was gryffindor too before " Harley said.

We continued talking and joking around till we finished eat.

I took the dishes to the kitchen and cleaned them , and then went back to the boys to find them cuddling on the couch asleep.

I smiled at that and went to get them a blanket and put up on them . I then left to sleep in my room , well not before I took a few pictures of them cuddling.

I am going to tease the he'll out of them with these pictures.

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