Part 1

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-mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Love will never end even though the world will end. Death can't stop love from keep flowing because it is not just a man's feeling. Love is forever.

"still reading this old book?" ask a man, he sighs annoyed with his friend that spend so much time on the book he found in the old library.

"This story is great!" excuse the friend back, he is not a man who love to read but this old book captured his interest and when he read the first page, he needs to finish the story.

"I don't even understand the writing well. This is hundred years ago. What's so fun about it?"

"It is a love story. The King's Love" said the friend.

"Tae, I don't have time to read love story book. Since when you read something like this?" ask the man more annoyed because he is hungry.

"Karn, you need to read it yourself and then you will understand" argues Tae, he likes the story and he wants Karn to appreciate it too.

"I don't have time for it. Let's go, we have soccer this evening" Karn insist Tae to leave with him.

Leave the old book too. He really has no time to think about an old book. For him Tae is so obsessed with the book that will not bring any benefits to him

Tae helps his history teacher to tidy his old library before and from that he found the book. The book fall from top shelf and it split open to a page where a portrait shown.

The old book still old, the portrait barely show a face but Tae can feel that the one in it is beautiful, he hopes  he can see the face clearly but he can't.

They are at the field, their friends already in the uniforms and warming up to start the game.

"Hey! You are late!" yells their captain to them, the game will start soon but these two are not ready yet.

"Sorry Boss! This guy is still crazy about that old book" apologise Karn and taking off his shirt to wear his uniform, girls squeal delighted with the view of Karn muscular body.

"Still crazy about that huh?" Boss laugh at Tae.

Tae ignores his friends and change his uniform too, once again girls squeal in happiness. Too much sexiness and hotness just now.

The game start, Tae focus on the game and put aside about the book. They keep playing and their team are two goals ahead of their opponent.

When Tae are chasing a ball, he turns to see the goal to plan his kick but his eyes catch someone in glimpse and he lost focus, he lost the ball too. People who are watching yell frustrated about it.

"Tae! Tae!" Boss calls Tae when Tae run out of the field, he looks like he is looking for someone or maybe something.

"What are you doing?!" Karn smacks Tae's head when they are on break.

"I thought I saw someone, that person may look alike the portrait in the book" his teammates sigh when once again Tae talk about that old book.

"Stop talking about it!" Karn wants to punch Tae at this point.

"Guys, the king in the book named Tae too, maybe..." Zoe cuts Tae this time.

"This is not reincarnation Tae. Stop your hallucination and obsession with the book. You are not from royal family" Zoe feels like crying to make his friend stop talking about the old book. It can be a history or maybe just a tale. No solid proof.


His teammates leave him alone at the bench to enter the field and continue their game, they need to win the game so that their opponent will pay for their dinner.

"reincarnation? If I'm the King Tae in the future, his love must reincarnate too. The King's Love? This time, mine? "

Tae talks to himself, he feels weird why he is obsessed with the book and a love story. He never feels like this before. That's why he thought that this things happened must means something. He indeed want to find out about the book more, he wants to know who is the King's love in the story.

The story was in past but it may happen in the future too.

They win the game, thankfully because they will blame Tae if their team lose. They go to the locker room to take shower and ready for their free dinner.

"Tae" calls Zoe, he is showering in the cubicle beside Tae.

"hm?" respond Tae short, he is still thinking about that person he looks during the game.

A girl wearing traditional clothes, beautiful but he can't see the face clearly. He is thinking that he might be delusional like his friends said, maybe he is too obsessed with the old book.

"there is a rare beauty in Art Faculty" told Zoe.

They have bad habit of sneaking around beautiful girls, they are known as players among other students. They like troubles, that are them.

"for sure this time? Remember last time a beauty Boss show us? We almost die!" Tae shivers remembering the past girl they try to woo. She is black belt karate, Boss has black eyes for two weeks.

Zoe and Tae laugh remembering that accident, it is still funny when they think about it. The girl indeed a beauty but a lion at the same time, more shocking news, Boss and that girl, Celine is dating now.

"last year, remember Karn trying to win this beauty from our faculty?" ask Zoe already laughing.

"yeah, turn out she is our lecturer. He is so dead when the husband shows up!" they laugh again, ignoring people are looking at them weirdly.

"oi! Don't talk about the past!" Karn is listening them talking about him. He did regret his action and repent for three months.

"but I really heard about this beauty, this one is not just beauty but rare beauty." Boss join their conversation.

Now it piques Tae's interest, maybe he can stay away from the book for the time being.

"Junior?" ask Tae already interested. His friends are excited that Tae will join their stupid activities.

"yep! Just enter two months ago. Freshman"

"I'm in!" Tae agrees fast. They high fives each other for their plan.

"oh, forgot to tell you, this beauty is a rare beauty, it's a man" add Boss after remembering the crucial info of what Zoe told him.

Only Zoe knows that the beauty is a man between three of them and he told them, Boss and Karn admitted about the beauty because they saw him on the stage, stunning and beautiful, caching people's attention.

Boss and Karn didn't trust Zoe at first but when Zoe told them that, if the beauty indeed a girl, they must found the girl already.

Zoe and Karn slap their own forehead, they want to keep it as a secret from Tae, to prank Tae about this. Tae is as straight as ruler and he doesn't like to talk about man and man relationship much, he doesn't hate them just feel uncomfortable even though his own brother is gay. For him, it's weird.

"what?! No! I'm not joining this" Tae back off fast. He starts to wear his clothes.

Karn kicks Boss's shin for ruining their fun. They want to see Tae's reaction after they show this beauty. Zoe smacks Boss's head for being a party pooper.

"stop talking about this and let's go!" Tae smacks Zoe and Karn's back head. He almost fall for his friends prank.

They keep bickering and blaming Boss for their failure, they really want to see how Tae react once he see the rare beauty.

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