Part 39

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Tee is staying with his brother, Pine now since his papa persuaded him to do so, Pine welcomes Tee's stay too. His twin is now staying with them and srudy at good nursery. Tee's life is more than good now, he has nothing else he want to ask now because he feels grateful enough.

He visits his grandpa outside the house, he wants grandpa to stay with him too but the old man choose to stay there. Tee respect his choice and he still can meet him when he wants.

Phoom and Pluen want to buy Tee a car since Tee still used the old bike but Tee reject the offer, he is also not allowed to work and focus more on his study. Tee still try to adapt to his new family that can afford anything they want, far from his life before.

"Tee, phi can't take you to uni tomorrow morning. You have anyone you can ask help?" Pine tell Tee who is working on the table, he now can focus to his study more, he also has normal student's lifestyle like his friends too.

Tee is a little bit sad since he has a lot more free times to spend now, he is not rushing to collect money too. His new life is like a dream.

"Don't worry phi, I can take bus" replies Tee smiling. Pine is the one who drive him to school almost everyday.

At first they are awkward toward each other since Tee is not a talker but Pine knows how to treat people and their relationship getting better everyday. He is happy to has Tee as his brother too.

"Papa will nag me na" Pine is pouting when Tee said that, Phoom almost hire a driver for Tee but Tee strictly reject the plan.

"it's okay phi. The bus is safe too, and cheap" Tee grins showing his teeth.

Pine laughs a bit and ruffles Tee's soft hair. Tee lived a different lifestyle before but Pine respect Tee too. He is born and raised with money and wealth, never once he needs to put his hand to do any work but his parent teach him to be humble

Pine admit that he is a little arrogant compared to Pram but he still a nice person. He just can be a little annoying, especially when his rivalry with Tae. Now  they all are friends.

"okay then. Oh, Dad wants us home tomorrow for dinner. Phi will arrive late since I have meeting with the dean. Phi will call the driver to pick you up, okay?" Pine remembered what his dad told him.

"don't worry phi, Phi Pram said he will come and get me. He told me he wants to treat me new shoes" Pram made a promise to Tee, if Tee get a good result in his quiz he will buy Tee a new pair of shoes.

"okay then. Phi go out first. Want phi to buy anything for dinner?" ask Pine more.

"nope. I will be eating out with Phi Tae" Tee returns back to his work when he say that.

Lately Tee and Tae become closer than before, they spend more time with each other too. The reason Tee gave is that most of their friends have lovers already, even Mond is dating a girl tougher than himself. They look cute together.

Tae also use the same excuse as Tee, he is single and not ready to mingle. He loves spending time with Tee, he is happy that Tee enjoy being with him too.

"Tee, you and Tae, has something going on?" ask Pine pure curious, they spend too much time together lately.

Tee frowns and looks at his brother. He really has nothing to answer to that because he thinks they are friends, good friends.

"nothing like that phi! Phi Tae is straight and his fans are lining up to date him"

Pine grins at that, straight? Really?

"so, what if he likes you?" ask Pine trying to tease Tee.

Tee blushes a little bit, it's ridiculous for him.

"well, I like him too. We are friends!" answer Tee while trying to hide his shaky voice, why that question make his heart beating so fast.

"trust me, he will ask you to be his boyfriend soon" tease Pine more and Tee throw his eraser to Pine.

"Go! You are being ridiculous phi." Tee chase Pine out of the condo

Pine happily grab his keys and wallet before going to the door. This prove one point for Pine, Tee has feelings to Tae.

Pine is happy and worried at the same time, happy that if Tee did end up with Tae, Tae is a good man. And worried because what if it only one sided, he doesn't want to see his baby brother sad and heartbroken.

"Phi Pine is silly" Tee chuckles and continue doing his work. He can't wait to go home tomorrow because he already miss his fathers and the twin.

Tee miss to eat Pluen's cook, he wants to hang out in Phoom's workshop too. He loves the interior design in there. Pluen is a interior designer before he studied art and design. He is really good in art.


Tee receives a text and his lips smile broadly when he sees the sender

-Phi Tae > Tee please accompany me to buy my niece and nephews gifts for Christmas. Pleaseee

Tee laughs some more while reading the text. He has a little bit more till he is done so maybe they can go out earlier before dinner.

Tee> I have a little bit more to finish my assignment. Can you give me an hour?  

Tee send the text back

Phi Tae> I will come and hang out with Pine at yours then. I'm bored alone in my room

Tee> Phi Pine is out but you can come if you want. Still, you will be bored too

Tee offers for Tae to come here. Tee get a fast reply saying ok, with a thumbs up emoji.

Not even 15 minutes,someone knock on the door. Tae is here, Tae lived at the building in front of his, they live so close to each others because it still in the uni grounds

"come in phi. Sit anywhere you want and eat anything you found" Tee invites Tae inside

Tee returns back to his work, Tae make it like he is in his own house. He plops down on the sofa and plays with his phone. He glances at Tee a few times since he is bored.

"I just need to put my references and then I will done" Tee smiles to Tae, he knows Tae try to be good and wait for Tee but Tee can feel Tae's eyes staring on his back.

"take your time Tee. Phi will has some juice eh?" Tae already been here a few times, he is really close with Pine now, they even share same interests. To say they always fought before really illogical, because they get along very well.

"I'm done!" Tee cheers.

He saved the works, double save it and send it to his email. He learn to do so because his work once loss because his laptop attacked by virus. He learn a hard way on that.

"I will take short shower and get ready." Tee enter his room and go into shower, he did close the door but not fully close since Tae can see a peek from the living room.

Tae blushes hard wheh he see Tee's naked abdomen, Tee is half naked now. Not enough with blush, he almost drool himself until Tee turn around showing his back. Tae is shocked, he saw a big scar on Tee's back, it almost faded but he still can see it.

Tae wants to know how Tee got that scar so bad but he can't ambush the room just like that,he also doesn't want Tee to know he is secretly looking at Tee's body just now.

"am I a pervert?" Tae question himself while drawing his face in the pillow.

"pervert?" ask Tee, he heard Tae said that when he is done and ready to get out.

"huh? What? Pervert who?" ask Tae nervous.

Tee shakes his head with weird behaviour. He doesn't want to talk about that and ask Tae if they want to leave now.

"You are done? Let's go!" Tae pulls Tee's hand and they both leave the condo.

Tae has a lot of questions playing in his head but he has a lot more to question himself actually. For today he decided to put all of that away and focus for today.
He will think about that when they are home later.

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