Part 8

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-mistakes everywhere and not edited-

Tae drives his car to his house, sport day is coming soon and he needs some moral support from his family. He knows that he will be more energetic if he get to see his family.

He stops at a shop that selling fresh fruits before go home, he likes to take a stroll around the street, buying something for his niece and nephew.

"Nong Tae!" a shop owner calls Tae when she saw Tae walking alone. Tae smiles, waves his hand before running to the owner.

"Aunty Milan, how are you?" ask Tae friendly, he leans down to let the aunty to hug him like usual.

"I'm good, long time no see. How are you? So handsome" praise Milan. Tae grins like a kid, who doesn't like getting praises?

"I'm good aunty. I'm busy now, study and stuff" answer Tae.

"stuff or girlfriends?" tease Milan, Tae always told her if he had a girlfriend before. Sometimes he talk about his break up too.

"Don't have time for that aunty. Lately girls are after pretty boy, not a bad boy like me" add Tae, he is playing nice this time. Girls are chasing him all the time he just can't make time for them.

Milan shakes her head didn't believe what she was told. It is true that girls like pretty boys but some still like bad boys like Tae. Tall, dark and handsome. Tae is not that dark either but not whiter like most of them.

He talks a bit more and buy some dry fruits before continue his drive to his house. He is excited to see his mae and por after a long time. He parks his car and take his stuff before walking to the door. The house is so quiet today, like no one is at home at the moment.

Tae press the bell and wait for anyone to open the door but no one is coming after a few minutes waiting. He try again but after fruitless trying he use his own key. He open the door to a quiet house that welcoming him.

He looks at his phone, he didn't tell anyone that he is coming home so he decided to call his brother.

"hello Phi Tihn" greets Tae first.

"no one is home, where are mae and por?" ask Tae, he sits on the sofa.

"au, so I'm here alone tonight?" his parent visit their friends house and stay the night there. What a fail surprise on his side. Tae sighs but there is nothing he can do about it.

"Okay, I will go for dinner then. Can't wait to play with Rain"

"Okay. I will wait for Phi Sun and then head over for dinner"

Tae hang up the call. Only Sun is living with his parent now because his other siblings are married and has their own family but they stay close to each other.

Tae puts the fruits in the kitchen and head to his room, a little nap before he takes shower is the best now since he has nothing to do either.

He throws his body on the bed, close his eyes but can't sleep. His mind keeps playing the image of the junior he met in the locker room. Its weird for him to think about a stranger this much.

"His eyes, it's sharp but sad. Why?" ask Tae to himself. He can't read people but he can see clearly from the black orbs. It hides a lot of pain and the owner is struggling with his own life.

"Why my heart feels like this? I want him to share the pain with me"

"Augh! I'm crazy! Stop thinking about him, he is a man!" Tae shakes his head and makes his hair become messy.

He wears the ear pod and listen to rock songs, it able to distract him from thinking about other things, at last he is sleeping while listening to the songs.

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