Part 45

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-not edited-

Tee takes a taxi when he arrived at town, he decided to go meet his parent and ask them to help his grandparent as soon as they can, Tee knows he is asking a lot but he has no one else he can ask for help now.

Tee pays the driver and get off in front of his parent's house. Tee blinks confused, why there were so many cars here today, he recognizes his friend's cars too, even Tae is here.

Tee walks to the main door and open it since he knows the pass code. When he walks a little bit inside a maid who accidently saw him run to the living room.

"Khun Tee is here! Khun Tee is home" Tee can hear clearly because of the scream and then sounds of people running appear in front him.

His papa is the first to get him and hug him tightly before his dad follow suit. Tee realize now that his missing cause this trouble and worry everyone here.

Tee looks at his friends and brother's face guiltily, he did cause trouble again this time. Tee's eyes fall on Tae who is smiling at him. The smiles means a lot and Tee feels bad for letting this to happen. He stupidly followed Ying without thinking twice.

"nong, don't go missing like that again" Pram hugs Tee and Tee nods his head slowly.

They walk to the living room together, Tee hugs his friends briefly to appease their worry, he is lucky that he has everyone here.

Tee walks to Tae and hug Tae last, he stay still inside Tae's arms longer than others. He is really sorry for worrying everyone.

"I'm sorry" Tee aplogise to Tae too, same with his parents.

"as long as you are okay." Tae rubs Tee's back softly. Tae feels really glad that Tee is okay and nothing bad happen to his boyfriend.

Tee sits together with others and he told them what happened to him, he told everything he talked to Ying's family. He knows this will anger everyone but his main focus is his granparent.

"I'm sorry dad, papa but can you help my grandparen? I promise, I will pay back everything to you, I just want them to have the best treatment" pleads Tee to his parent.

"Baby, you don't have to plead us, we will help you. Your family is our family too" Phoom smiles at Tee assuring Tee that they are willing to help even without Tee begging them.

"I can't help with the company and I don't want to help either. When granpa is better, I will tell him about this" Tee really doesn't want to give a hand to his aunty, he never feels indebted to them so he knows he doesn't has anything to repay tk them.

"Don't worry about them Tee. Dad will do something about it. For now, let's focus on your grandparents first"

"thank you dad, papa" Tee hugs both of them, he is really grateful for their understanding and help.

They had dinner together before everyone return to their home, Tee thanked and apologized to them again before sending them home. They understand and told Tee to get some rest.

Tee sends Tae the last, they are talking at the garden. Tee knows Tae still can't let what happened today go easily, Tae didn't eat much and his face proved everything that he is still worried.

"Phi Tae" Tee clamps Tae's face in his palm to make Tae look at him directly into the eyes.

"Don't worry and I'm sorry about today" ask Tee again, he ia really feels bad.

Tae smiles and pulls Tee closer to his body, he puts his head on Tee's shoulder and release a deep sigh making Tee chuckles because the breath tickles him.

"I'm sorry too"

"this is not your fault, I'm the one who act without thinking. When she showed me the photo granpa lied on the hospital bed, I lost my rationality" Tee explains again and he knows Tae knows it too.

"I'm not blaming you Tee. This just shocked me because you went with Ying. She hurt you before, I can't bear to see you get hurt again" said Tae sadly, Tee takes a deep breath and hugs Tae tighter, he is also scared when he was alone in that house.

Park was there too, he is still scared of what Park tried to do to him before. He is grateful that they just talk today because Tee knows he can't fight Park no matter how hard he try.

"I will not let this to happen again" promised Tee. He will never ever talk to Ying again, he will never listen to what Ying will tell him.

"Don't forget your phone again, call me, us if anything happened. Anything, even when you get paper cut"

"that's a little bit too much phi" Tee laughs a little but when he see Tae is serious he nods his head fast, agreeing about that.

"ah, talking about phone. I lost my phone" mutters Tee, he did feel guilty for losing that phone. His papa bought it for him.

"I have it. You left it at library" Tae take out Tee's phone from his back pocket.

Tee is happy when he see it, he hugs it and hugs Tae after that. This is really precious for him because it is from his papa. He doesn't even know the real price of it because he just guess it is expensive.

"it's late. I will go first" Tee doesn't want Tae to go and Tae also doesn't want to leave but he knows his boundary.

"be careful" Tee walks Tee to the car

Tae hugs Tee for the last time before kissing Tee on the forehead. Tee wait for Tae to leave first before enter the house back. He will rest early today since he is tired emotionally and physically.


Pine contact Ying to meet because he is angry with what she had done to Tee. He doesn't know Tae also want to see Ying so both of them go to see Ying.

Ying try to get back together with Pine and Pine who is always kind and a gentleman reject Ying kindly. Tae already can't contain his anger anymore.

"stop it! Pine, sit here!" Tae has to stop them, he pull Pine to sit at his side and glare Ying to make her sit in front of them. Ying clearly doesn't like what Tae had done but Tae doesn't even care what Ying feels right now.

"Pine clearly won't be with you again, so please stop begging like that." Tae start first and Pine nods his head.

"listen, I'm not a gentleman and I won't hold myself back if you try to approach Tee again. You or any of your family try to contact Tee again, I will get police to involve. Stay away from Tee!" the warnings are clear and Ying is scared with how cold Tae look right now, Tae meant every word he said.

Pine looks at Tae before he says what he needs to say.

"Ying, to be honest, I can't believe it, because you looked perfect this whole time. The one your family tried to hurt is my brother. I won't let anyone hurt my family, I hope you understand this and stop for your own good. Stop making things hard for me and everyone"

Pine take out a bix filled with Ying's things and what he got from her. He push the box to Ying, this is their memories together and he want to let it go. He doesn't want anything to hold them back anymore. This is the end of their relationship.

"My parent want to see yours, to talk about Tee. Tell your family to come to this address tonight. Do come because they have something to offer for yoyr family."

Pine gives a piece of paper to Ying and Ying take it slowly.

"Ying, thank you for our past together and I'm sorry for my mistakes. I beg you, let this end here. Goodbye" Pine stands first, Tae follows fast and they both leaving Ying there alone. Tae can see that Ying is crying but, he still doesn't care.

Pine did feels his heart break a bit but this is a good breakup, he will be able to move on properly this time. He will let all the past between him and Ying go.

Tae is proud with Pine because he can see that the feelings Pine has to Ying is real. Tae pats Pine's back comforting the broken man.

Tomorrow will be a really new world to Pine. He can't start today since he is not that strong. He promised himself to start anew after today. All the best to Pine.

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