Part 30

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Sorry for the late update, my family has a big celebration for the whole two weeks, it kept me busy to write. Well, welcome back to me and thank you for waiting for the update.

-Not edited-

Pine can't stop thinking about Ying and the necklace, if Ying comes out as his sibling, it will be the worst scenario ever. their relationship can be an incest,wrong and sinful. His parent will be disappointed with him.

"I need to tell Phi Pram about this" Pine takes his phone and call his older brother,he is anxious and can't wait patiently for the call to be connected.

"Phi has a meeting now, what's the matter?" ask Pram, at first he wants to reject the call but Pine rarely call him unless he has something important to talk about.

"can we meet today?" Pine wants to rush and makes his brother answer his questions but he is thought to not be selfish and respect others privacy.

"how about we lunch together? I will see you at usual at 2?"

"okay. I will see you there, bye" Pine hang up the phone, throw it over the bed and throw himself later.

His mind is full of anxious and scary thoughts, he hopes whatever he is thinking right now is wrong but at the same time he is hopeful in finding his lost sibling. His parent will be really happy with this news because they never give up trying to find their other son.


Mond is being a little girly today because he is in the mood to become Moon. It is not that he is wearing female clothes, he is just a little bit make up that showing his feminime side, he is really beautiful too.

When Mond become Moon he is full of sass and loves giving sassy attitude which lead to trouble most of them time. He talks like he is picking a fight with others. Try to be on his bad side and you will be roasted to the coal.

"You witch! I know that necklace, it belongs to Tee!" Mond try to grab the necklace in Ying's hand, he accidently saw the necklace when Ying is playing with it in her hand.

Mond approached Ying and try to snatch it back fail because Ying is taller than him. Ying has a body figure like a model, a beautiful one at that.

"Poor man like him didn't deserve this! I'm sure this belong to my aunt's, which means it doesn't belong to the adopted son!" Ying laughs annoyingly at Mond, she is openly bad mouthing Tee without care because no one is there right now, she can show her real colours too.

"Tee is lucky because he is not related by blood with witch like you and your family. Disgusting!" shot Mond back bravely, he is happy when Ying's reaction change at his insult.

"a man that want to be a woman like me is really disgusting! No matter what you do to yout face will not make it any prettier!"

"at least this face and facade are the same, not like a witch trying to be an angel!"

"You and your look both look like a rubbish!" Ying try to slap Mond but a hand hold still her arm.

Tee saw the fight between them from far and he comes running to safe Mond, he really can't accept if Ying try to disturb his friends.

"stop it Ying!" scold Tee still holding her arm tight, it will not leave bruise but it did hurt a little bit.

"wow, trying to safe your girly boyfriend?" Ying provokes Tee's anger.

"I'm not girly you witch!" Mond try to pull Ying's hair but Tee try to cover Mond from doing that.

It will be a bloody war when the two of them start fighting. This happened a few times before and Tee thinks it is the best to stop them before they start because you will be bleeding too.

"How could two of you ganging up on me. Please stop" why the sudden begging? Tee never try to hurt her at all, what she means by that?

"Tee, stop!" a rough and strong hand pull Tee away, making him stumble a little bit because of the pull. He is startled because of the force.

Mind stops his doing too, three of them look at the scary and fierce face before Ying falls to the ground crying like a poor little girl that being bullied.

"I don't know about it Tee. Why you and your friend hurt me like this?"


Tee and Mond are speechless with Ying's acting, she is really good at that even both of them want to believe it too.

"You witch!" Mond try to approach her once again.

"enough!" Tae strong voice make all of them freeze.

"what are you doing Tee?" ask Tae with a face Tee can't read, anger? Sad? Disappointment? But Tee is really sad when Tae look at him like that.

"you shouldn't do that, no matter what's the problem we can talk about it" now Tee feels like he is stabbed by a knife, Tae believe what he saw.

Tee pulls his hand away from Tae's grip, he pulls Mond's hand to move away from the place.

"I don't care if anyone want to insult me but never touch my friend! Just because you are a girl doesn't mean you can say whatever you want!"

Tee glares at Ying before leaving the place, Mond follows him like a good puppy because he knows Tee is sad right now. He shouldn't have fight with Ying.

"don't be sad Mond, thank you for defending me" Tee smiles at Mond, he really means it.

"but, Phi Tae will misunderstood you"

"If he believes Ying without asking my side, he is not good enough to be on my side. Relationship is like that, when it's time to let it go, we should let it. Let's go back to your room, your arm is bleeding"

"Ah! That witch has long and sharp nails like hawk. If it leaves scars I will sue him 1 billion!" Mond is grumbling making Tee laughs a bit, Mond is always cute in his eyes.

At the same time Tae helps Ying to sit on the chair near them, Tae's mind is full with how sad Tee looked just now. He doesn't even listen what Ying is telling him right now.

"can you walk?" ask Tae, he wants to run after Tee if Ying is okay.

Of course Ying fakes her pain by holding her ankle which clearly look as healthy as  before.

"it's hurt" whines Ying softly.

Tae looks at the ankle, he doesn't want to check if it is okay or not. Someone may call him heartless but he is not a medic which clearly means he can't help with it.

"call you boyfriend to pick you up." the response from Tae is unpredicted by Ying at all. Tae is cold, like what she heard from everyone. Her charm is not working on Tae at all.

"call him to come get you. I will be leaving first"

Tae doesn't want to stay longer than necessary because he has to chase after Tee and he doesn't want Pine to misunderstand him more. Their rivalry is enough already, he doesn't want Pine to think he is trying to seduce his girlfriend.

When Tae wants to leave, Ying hastily try to get up and she aww in pain when she mistep her step. Tae looks back and walk to Ying to help Ying sit back. He also help Ying to collect the fallen stuffs.

His hand stop at the necklace, his eyes shines brightly and he smiles the sincere smile that make Ying's heart beating like crazy.

"that is m...."

"Tee's" cut Tae fast.

"must have fall just now." Tae clearly doesn't care what Ying is trying to tell him.

"You call your boyfriend and I will return it back to Tee" Tae is happy because he has a reason to see Tee now.

Ying is left speechless by Tae. Tae left her without looking back at all, that makes Ying angry because her plan fails miserably now her ankle is indeed hurt because of herself.

She tried to call Pine but failed everytime because Pine is ignoring her calls. Pine needs to settle the main problem with his brother first.

Today, luck is not on her side. Or maybe, it's a karma?

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