Part 21

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Tae lies on his bed and staring at the high ceiling with his wide smile, today is a perfect day for him. Without realising himself, he enjoys the time together more than what he think.

"ish! Why I'm thinking about him like that? He is a man!" Tae slaps his cheek and gets up from the bed to take shower. Maybe we after the refreshing shower he will clear his mind with Tee running inside it.

Done with his shower he checks messages and chats from his phone, almost 1k unread chats in his chat boxes because he ignores everything while he was with Tee and the twin.

He reads the one from his family first, they are talking about celebrating his nephew's birthday, Tee and the twin's faces cross his head and he wants to invite them to celebrate it together, the twin can be friend with his niece and nephew.

He replies even though it's late and the conversation continue when he join the chat. He leaves the group chat and check what his friends are talking about, their chats bombard his notification like crazy.

Reading unimportant chats slowly he decided to reply at the last question, his friends want to practice for their final soccer game.

Tae > I'm free tomorrow, we can do it tomorrow evening


Karn > our friend is alive guys! I thought someone kidnapped him!!!

Zoe > I thought you lost your phone dude!

Boss > He is here?! Like really?! I thought he travel to old time, you know where he was the king, like the old book. To find his queen!

Tae sighs and shakes his head with dramatic response from his friends, replying to the chat is really useless and wasting his time.

Tae left the chat, he looks around his room, thinking maybe he should gather his laundry and wash it. He has nothing better to do to, his assignments can wait for a few more days.

Cleaning his room at the late evening, listening to recent pop songs he did everything within an hour, it is fast. He sits on the table, opening his laptop to find any new horror movies he can watch tonight, not until his eyes met the old book and what Boss said in the text cross his mind.

He takes the old book and a few pages fell due to the poor condition. He gathers it and try to put it back but didn't know the pages the book didn't has the page written on it.

#a/n the book, didn't write about how Tae and Tee met because the one who wrote is their son. Commonly the stories told about how the king treated and loved his queen. There are no genders stated too, like English it has she/he, her/him but not in this writing. It general like they, so we can't tell the gender of the queen.
I hope you all understand my explanation, feel free to ask for any misunderstanding. Even I don't understand what am I writing. Hahaha.

"Should I continue reading it?" Tae asks himself and go through a few pages and decided to read a poem written in there.

The poems wrote about how beauty the queen it, it writes everything details about the Queen, his face, height, body, skin, hair, everything that if you can draw you might able to draw how it looks like.

Tae is not talented in drawing so he just imagine it in his head, from the top of the head, hair, forehead, slowly move to the eyebrows, eye lashes, eyes, cheeks, ears, when it moves to the lips, Tae looks up once again, in his mind.

He falls down the chair because he is really startles with the face appears in it, it's Tee's face!

"I'm crazy!" Tae yells frustrated and jump into his bed, face first. Yelling into the mattress because he is stressed with his own head.

"I should find a girlfriend" Tae rolls on his back and hits his own chest that thumping like crazy. Time moves with Tae scrolling his social media looking at girls pictures.


Karn stares at Xan tidying his stuff since Karn is already healthy and the doctor said he able to walk and do his daily work like usual. Xan invaded his room for more than two weeks and he kind of getting used to has Xan in his room.

"Make sure you pack all your stuff" said Karn sternly, Xan sighs. Their relationship never get better and Xan strictly thinking that Karn as his patient, he tried to cross the line between them but Karn kick him away from the line. They are basically strangers now.

"Doctor told you to take it easy for a week more. Don't go playing soccer or do anything heavy" advises Xan while putting his bag on his back.

"I can take care of myself!" huffs Karn.

"I'm leaving. Sorry if I did anything wrong while staying here. I hope you will always be healthy" Xan walks to the door and Karn remain sitting on his bed, he didn't even bother sending Karn to the door.

When Xan opens the door he met Zoe and Tae, they both are coming to Karn's room.

"You are leaving? Stay and eat lunch with us first." invites Tae, he bought enough to all of them.

Xan wai, smiles and shakes his head. He doesn't want to make Karn uncomfortable with him being in the same room, especially after what happened last night. Their natural relationship turn to sour after the accident last night.

Zoe blinks not understand why Xan act like that, they become closer now since they all share some coincidence together. They both watch Xan enter the elevator and disappear from their sight.

"What happened?" ask Zoe dumbfounded.

"Karn stupid mouth must has said something useless again." Tae sighs. He opens the door and enter the room to see Karn lying face first on the bed like a dead body.

Zoe follows after Tae and looks at unmoving Karn.

"Did Xan kill our friend?" ask Zoe to Tae because Karn still lying like that.

"He is just being stupid" Tae put the foods on the table and take a few plates and spoons to the table.

Zoe go to sit on Karn's bed, praying like Karn is dead only to get kicked on the stomach and falling down the bed. He still can laugh after that.

"Did you kick Nong Xan too? That boy looks sad" ask Zoe, he gets into the bed again.

Karn ignores the question because he really don't want to discuss about Xan right now. He wants to be Xan's free today.

"Let's eat" Tae calls both of them to the table.

They eat while talking about their assignments and the final game tomorrow evening. Their opponent are strong too and the way they play are really systematic. To compare the strength they will win for sure but for strategy, the other team has an upper hand.

They discuss about the strategy as best as they can because none if them are a great thinker either. After the long and almost useless discussion they stop torturing their brain.

"I want to win this game and get me a girlfriend" said Tae making his friends look at him weirdly.

"Girlfriend?" ask Karn.

"Yes. I thought it's better to be single but I need a girl too" the answer from Tae make Zoe and Karn speechless but say nothing about it. Tae is always make a random decision.

They put the discussion about the girlfriend away and start to talk about their classes and upcoming exams. They have a hectic schedule ahead.

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