Part 19

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Xan helps Karn into the room, he needs to help Karn walk since he injured his feet before.

Karn looks at exhausted Xan, he did chase Xan out of his room a few times but the junior is stubborn, his head is harder than any rock in Thailand.

"You should sleep on your bed tonight, not on my sofa" tell Karn since he did pity Xan this time. Xan deserves a good rest for today, he did his best in soccer and taking care of Karn.

"if you pity me phi, you should let me sleep on your bed tonight. We are both man" same argument since the first day they started living together.

"I like sleeping alone. I love my bed" Karn huffs cutely making Xan laugh a bit.

Xan tidies his stuff, he went to take shower since the one he took in the locker room is the fast shower.

Karn looks at Xan like a cute puppy, he wants to say something but he stops himself. He never once thank Xan for helping him because for him, he never asked Xan to do so. But why he feels guilty now?

"I will let you sleep on my bed today but, if any part of your body touch mine, I will kick you off of bed. Deal?" Karn is dead serious with his warning.

Xan wants to deny it but when he thinks how tired is his body today, he did miss the comfort a bed can give. It is a luxury that he didn't get for the past few days.

"Okay. Thank you phi" Xan smiles, taking his pillow and blanket, he put it on the left side. A bolster in the middle as a barrier, Karn put it.

Xan sleep on his side and close his eyes, he doesn't want to think about anything else, he just hope he has a good and dreamless sleep, even a dream can make him tired.

After 15 minutes Karn peek to see if Xan is asleep and when he is sure that Xan is sleeping, he able to close his eyes and sleep too.


Tee wakes up because the alarm goes off, he sigh because he is not really excited about today. He take showers and eat simple breakfast which is bread with butter and sugar. Its good enough for him.

He checks his wallet, watch and phone before leaving the room. He needs to be somewhere else first before going to the mall.

He took a taxi and go to his grandpa's house.  He promised to take the twin out and watch movie today, the date accidently match with the day Tae want to see him. He thought he doesn't need to meet Tae for long, since he already has a plan with his siblings.

When he enters the house, his aunty and grandma mutters something hurtful to Tee but Tee ignores it since he is here for the twin.

"Tee" His grandpa smiles while greeting him, Tee walk to his grandpa wai and giving a hug since he hasn't been here for long. He is busy with his study.

"Here to take the twin out?" ask grandpa.

"Yes. I promised them. I will get them first" Tee wai once again before going to the twin's room.

Tee smiles when he opens the door, the twin already ready to go out with him, the nanny already make them ready.

The twin hugs Tee when they see their brother, they really miss Tee a lot and their date today is what they waited for the whole week.

"Let's go!" cheers Tia, Tee holds both of their hand each and walk down the stair to the main door.

Tee accidently met eyes with his older cousin, Ying's brother but he avoid it, he really can't sit together with him, a little bit uncomfortable for him.

"Tee, I already told the driver to send you and the twin to the mall." said grandpa smiling.

"Okay grandpa, but I will take them home myself. I don't know how long we will stay there"

"Sure. Be careful and call me if you need anything" grandpa smiles at the twin and send them to the car.

"Say bye to grandpa" the twin waves excitedly. Tee wai and enter the car, he greets the driver too. Others are always nice to him, except his family.

The drive to the mall full with the twin chatters, asking Tee every kind of innocent questions and full of stories from their school. Tee enjoys talking and listening to his younger siblings.

When they arrive at the mall, Tee waits at their promised place. He wants to meet with Tae, get back his necklace and enjoy his life like he has no relationship with Tae.

Tae excitedly park his car, he is late for five minutes because the traffic during weekend is always bad.

He makes sure he has the necklace and a little bit running to meet Tee, he hates making people wait for him and he is a little bit late today.

Tae can see Tee from far but he frowns when he see Tee is with some kids. He thought he is meeting Tee alone today. The necklace in his palm he put into the pocket and walk slowly to Tee.

"Tee" greets Tae, he feels weird but he always like kids making he smiles to the twin.

The twin blinks cutely before smiling showing their perfect baby teeth.

"Phi Tae, where is it?" Tee shows his palm, asking for the necklace. Tae smirks, he knows Tee only agree to see him today because of the necklace.

"I will give it today, not now."

Tee frowns when he heard that, he knows Tae is playing with him now.

"So, who are you guys?" Tae sits so that he is in the same eye level with the twin.

"I'm Tin, this Tia. We are twin and Phi Tee's sibling" Tin introduce themselves cheerfully, with that much cheerfulness can't stop the two adult laugh at it.

"I'm Tae, you can call me Phi Tae, I'm your Phi's friend" Tee denies it with his eyes but Tae ignores it. He is having fun now, honestly, Tae is a little bit annoying now.

"Can phi join you guys today? Phi is lonely today" Tae likes kids and kids easily like him too, maybe his not so friendly face make kids like him.

"Of course, we want to watch movie. Can Phi Tae join us Phi Tee? Please" pleads Tia hopeful, hoe can Tee say no to that? Tae already clearly he has nothing to do today too. Tee is stuck with someone he doesn't want to involve.

"Yes Tia. Phi Tae can join us" Tee's replies making Tae cheers together with the twin. What spell did Tae read to make the twin like him this fast.

"Let's go!" Tin already hold Tae's hand. Tia holds on the right side and Tee holds Tia's hand. Four of them walk to the lift.

Tae can't stop smiling because he is able to join Tee's little family. Even though Tee is not liking the idea much, he is forcing his presence to the family, thankfully the twin is on his side.

"I will buy the tickets, you buy some snacks" Told Tee and walk to the counter, Tae takes the twin with him to buy foods. He let the twin buy whatever they want, including the goodies sold there.

"What are you buying?" Tee asks the twin seriously. They pout because they like it very much.

"I make them have it, I bought it for them as a sign of friendship" Tae backs up the twin making Tee sighs. Today will be a tiring day for him, not because of the twin but because of Tae and the twin. Triple trouble?

"Let's go, the movie will start soon" Tee holds Tia because she is scared of the escalator, Tae holds Tin because he wants to be at Tee's side.

They all enter the hall and the twin sit in the middle. Tae looks at Tee treating his siblings, he smiles watching that.

Tae thinks his weekend will be a good one today.

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